Chapter 9: Nicole's Absence

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--Niall's pov--

I sit in one of the waiting room chairs. I bounce my knee up and down impatiently.

Once Nicole fell down the stairs and passed out, I had to rush to the hospital. The problem is... is neither of us have a car. The good thing is, is that the hospital is only about 10 minutes away from our houses. I scooped up her faint body in my arms and ran to the hospital. I'm just lucky she isn't heavy.

Once I got into the hospital, the doctors knew just what to do. They brought her into one of the hospital rooms and I haven't seen her since.

So here I am, 4 hours later, still not able to see my best friend or even know what's going on. All I know is that her arm, DID NOT look normal. Totally bent in a funky way. I feel sick even thinking about it.

About an hour ago, while I was looking for some totally cheesy "get well soon" bunny for Nik when she wakes up, I ran into Faith's friend Bree and found out why Nicole was freaking out in the first place.

Turns out some dick tripped her in the mall while they were walking down the mall stairs and Faith fell all the way down. (I wanted to laugh because they both passed out by falling down the stairs, but when she told me what happened, it wasn't funny anymore)

Faith landed hard on her head and the doctor says she broke an arm and a leg. She's asleep now with her leg and arm in casts. I visited her once I found out what happened, but she was still asleep. So I bought her the biggest teddy bear they had in the gift shop and set in one of the waiting chairs in her room. She'll see it once she wakes up and know it's from me.

So here I am, stuck doing nothing. I called Liam, Lizzy, Harry and Laura, and even Nik's mom. But no one has showed up yet. I was kinda thinking their mom would show right away cause she's a doctor. And their MOM. I know she's busy... but still.

I look down at my phone as it goes off stating that I got a text. It's from Liam. Its actually the 10th one I've got in the past hour.

To: Me

From: Liam

Hey I'm almost there. Screw you traffic. Anyone else show yet?

I open up a new text to him:

To: Liam

From: Me

Nope. No one here yet. And no hurry, they won't let me see Nik yet. I don't even know what happened.

I sigh as I put my phone back in my pocket. I start to pick at a loose string on my jeans. What could possibly be taking so long? I could visit Faith again and see if she's up. Or maybe I could go get something else to eat. Again.

I look up when I hear the revolving doors turning. Zayn busts through the doors and runs over to me. His eyes full with worry. "Is she ok? What happened? How's it goin? What'd the doctor say? Is she dead? Is she gonna die?!" He asks a million miles a minute.

All I can do is shrug. "The doctor won't tell me anything. Trust me, I've tried to find something out. But I know she won't die." I roll my eyes. Sometimes he's a little too dramatic.

He lets out an aggravated sigh and falls into the chair next to me. "I hope she's alright..." I can hear him about to burst out crying. That's the awesome thing about Zayn. He's always totally emotional about these things. I mean, for a dude, that's what a girl looks for right? How would I know anyways... girls are like a foreign language to me. I haven't had a girlfriend in like 3 years. So don't listen to me...

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