Chapter 25

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Mia's Pov.

"No like hell we're not. I can confirm that we are not in a relationship!" Harry's words cross over and over in my mind, hurting me even more with every single time I think about them.

Even though it has been two day's since he said what he said, I haven't got over it. I remember his words as clear as anything. How can such a short sentence hurt me so much? He told me that he feels something for me but then talks to me with such attitude. I felt so stupid when he said that to me, I just wanted to get out. I have never been in such an awkward position.

We kissed and I felt all of my problems disappear, but now I only feel like the kisses that we have shared have only now caused me more trouble. I can't get him out of my mind but at the same time I'm trying to block him out before I fall in too deep.

I know Harry has been trying to get in touch with me because my phone hasn't stopped ringing, but each time I ignore it. It has gotten to the point where I have just turned it off now because I can't stand to hear it ring anymore, but I won't answer to him either.

At this current time, I'm sat at James's house. I felt like I needed a friend and once again James was there for me. Since spending most of my time recently around Harry, I feel as I have been ignoring everyone else around me.

"Hello...Is anyone there? Mia!" James's hand waves across my face.

"Yeah sorry, I was just thinking." I shake my head.

"So is it boy trouble?" He takes a seat across the opposite side of the coffee table.

"No." I lie.

"Come on babe. Just tell me what has happened between you and this Harry bloke." I swear down that James can read minds.

"I don't know myself. We have kissed and I mean like really kissed..." I get cut off.

"Like tonsil tennis kissing?" James questions.

"Yes." I laugh a little before carrying on. "

"Where was I...ah yes that was it we've kissed. We have kissed at least three times, and neither of them has been just been a peck. I really like him James, but he doesn't feel the same I know it."

"Whoa how can he not like you?" James once again cuts across.

Ignoring that question, I carry on. "So I wanted to know where I stand with him so I asked him what we were. I felt like he weren't understanding what I was trying to say so I asked if he thought we was in a relationship and he replied 'No like hell we're not. I can confirm that we are not in a relationship.' It has really hurt me." I look at James.

"What did you do after that?" He asks.

"Well because I was upset I walked out and went to the park for a little to be on my own. Since then I haven't answered the phone to him, and I come out of the house early when I know he will be asleep so I won't bump into him. I don't know if I'm doing right or wrong?" Sighing, I lean back on the seat.

"Slap him and knock some sense into him." James jokes whilst doing girly actions which make me laugh.

"No do not get into violence. I shouldn't give you bad advice. Just keep ignoring him, it will soon get to him and then he will realise what he is missing out on." James adds.

"Thank you James." I smile.

"It's okay anytime you know that right? And when do you think you will be back in work because I have to say I do not like working with Lucy, she is doing my head in!" James runs his fingers through his hair which only reminds me of the way Harry does it.

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