Chapter 19

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Harry's Pov.

It has been two days solid since seeing Mia last. Since she told me to leave I thought I best do that meaning she doesn't want me around. I can't believe the way she treated me after I was the only one who stayed with her in the hospital, why was she so rude?

"Harry boyyyyyy." A voice shouts through the hall way until it reaches my room.

"O god not again man." Louis's eyes move to the naked girl who is lay beside me.

Okay let me explain. Because of my pissed of mood, I decided to throw a party like I normally do. Normally drinking makes it all better because it makes me forget about everything, but not this time. This time it made my mind think even clearer...about Mia. I just can't get her out of my head and it didn't matter how much liquor I drank, she was still the first things on my thoughts.

Even fucking the girl who is lay next to me still didn't help. I thought it would, but now I just feel stupid and pathetic.

"I think you best leave." Louis says to the girl.

"Why should I?" She sits up covering her body.

"Because I said so." I can tell Louis is serious.

The girl looks between us both before slipping a top over her head and making her way out of my room.

"You really have to stop just using girl for sex each time you are pissed off." Louis sits on the end of the bed.

"I don't." I grumble.

"Yes you do. What has pissed you off this time mate?" He looks at me.

I don't reply just shake my head, basically saying 'nothing'.

"Is it that girl you like?" He asks. I know that he is on about Mia, I'm not stupid.

"What girl?" I know I'm playing dumb, but ah well.

"The girl who is always around here, but she is in hospital of something. The girl next door." He sates out the obvious.

"I don't like her." I lie.

"Yes you do." Is he really going to course an argument?

"No I don't because she pissed me off big time." As I finish my sentence, I realise that I have just dropped myself in it.

"Exactly! So are you going to tell me the easy way or the hard way?" He smirks.

"There is nothing to tell, she just wound me up and I threw a party, fucked a girl which I regret doing by the way, and I just can't get her out of my mind." I throw my hands in the air.

"Why what happened between you both?" He questions.

"I stayed with her for three days straight in the hospital, not leaving her side once and then when she wakes up she tells me to get out." Rubbing my head over my hair, I let out a sigh.

"So now you haven't been to see her?" He looks at me.

"No I have stayed away. It is what she wants." That is true.

"Is that what you want though?" Why does he make life so hard?

"Obviously not." I sarcastically reply.

"Oi don't use that sarcasm with me. Just go and see her." Louis says.

"No." I grit my teeth.

"It is obvious that she likes you too, she was probably on her period when she said it or something. I don't know? Just make life easier for us all and go and see her." Louis stares at me.

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