Chapter 10

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Walking into the house, the first thing I notice is my mum on the couch.

"Hi mum." I gulp as she doesn't even look to see who has walked into the house.

"Mum?" Max says trying to get her attention. Trying not to wind her up, I lean down to whisper into Max's ear.

"Go on upstairs, she is just upset about you know what. I will cook you some tea and bring it up to you."

"Okay Mia, where's dad? Shouldn't he be here comforting fact us all?" Max whispers back.

"I'm not too sure but you know what he is like, he likes to suffer in silence." I shrug.

"Yeah just like you." He says with nothing to it as he turns on his heels and makes his way up the stairs. I can't even argue against it, I do suffer in silence I keep my problems to myself.

"Mum, are you listening?" Waving my hand in front of her face like a fool, she stays staring at the wall behind me.

"I give up!" Throwing my hands into the air, I walk into the kitchen to cook Max something to eat.

Great all the cupboards are empty and there is nothing but milk in the fridge. There's a pot noodle in but that's not really filling for a sporty boy. It will have to do for now though, just until I can get down to the shops tomorrow.

Clicking down on the kettle and waiting for it to boil, I stare out of the window just thinking about life. My eyes have became familiar to looking out of windows, that's all I ever seen to do. Just being in silence on my own gives my brain time to catch up on my dramatic life style. Sometimes I just want to run away and stay there forever, start again, start off fresh...but then I think about Max, I couldn't leave him.

I couldn't leave Max to put up with mum and dad on his own, I can hardly cope never mind a little innocent lad trying to bare with them on his own. It is hard going and you never know what the next day will bring. Nobody can decide on mums mood swings and nobody can depend on dad, because he is never here! He will always be off somewhere els, not here like he should be, especially at this time of year.

Maybe when Max is a little older, I will move out and take him with me. I would never give up on him, he will always have me through thick and thin. Yes day after day I feel like braking down and crawling into a hole and never coming out, but when I see my brothers smile it reminds me why I tackle life each day.


The switch of the kettle bring me out of my thoughts. After pouring the steaming hot water into the pot, I make my way upstairs to Max's room.

Knocking on the door, I wait outside until he allows me to enter.

"Thanks Mia." He smiles opening the door.

"Max it is nothing much, but I will go shopping tomorrow and get some thing to fill up the cupboards and fridge again." I pass him the pot noodle.

"Don't worry it will do for now. And that shouldn't be your job, that should be left down to mum. You have to live your own life Mia!" He looks at me.

"I know Max, but mum can't do it she is too depressed after the full incident." I scruff his hair up like I normally do.

"Its been three years now Mia! I know how hard it must be but she really has to try and pick up sometime." His breathing increases.

"Ay it will be alright soon, I promise." I tap his shoulder trying to give him some comfort.

"Well today seeing you with Harry made me happy because you was smiling. I haven't seen you smile for such a long time Mia, it was nice to see you looking normal again." Max is right, today I actually was laughing and smiling because I was actually happy, not just to put a front on or smiling for the sake of it. Trying not to cry in front of Max, I bite down on my bottom lip and close my eyes.

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