Chapter Forty-four

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Connor awoke while it was still dark and noticed Adelaide was not lying beside him any more, he frowned and scanned the room...nothing. He panicked and shoved his boxers on and fled downstairs and was relieved to see a light on in the kitchen.

He seen her as soon as he reached the door, she was sitting at the table sobbing quietly to herself "Hey what's wrong?" Connor asked gently while rubbing her shoulders which seemed to help calm her down. Adelaide sniffed before wiping her tear stained cheeks "I was just thinking about my parents...the ones who raised me, I feel like a traitor calling Jack dad" she sniffed.

Connor groaned "You are not a traitor, how where you to know that your dad wasn't dead or that he didn't actually abandon you?" He said trying his best to reason with her "I know it will be hard but look at it this way, you have your biological father here in the wolf world and your human parents in the human world and you can visit both whenever you want" he said nudging her slightly. "Really! I can visit my human parents?" she shrieked as Connor watched a huge grin appear on her face "Can I visit then tomorrow, I haven't spoken to them since I was kidnapped...I am sure they are really worried about me?" she pleaded giving her best puppy dog impression. "I told you before that face doesn't work on me, but if it makes you happy we can go over once we have our pack meeting" he sighed knowing that they still had to be very careful about visiting human populations.

Connor finally managed to get Adelaide back upstairs for some sleep, he had a feeling they were going to need it. Although regardless of how much he tried Connor couldn't get back to sleep, all he could think of was seeing Adelaide with that baby. He had a feeling deep down that told him she was already pregnant, her hormones had changed and he could already smell the change in her scent.

One thing he took from the humans was the way they court, then get married then have kids. OK so maybe she was pregnant but he would rather they were married before the baby was born. Also getting married as soon as possible would allow Adelaide to have the perfect wedding dress that she deserves without the telltale bump.

That settled he decided to visit his parents before the meeting to break it to them about his plans, and maybe get some pointers on a ring from his mum, then while Adelaide visits her parents he could visit the little jewellery shop in town. With this in mind he slowly drifted off into a dream filled with visions of their future wedding and their child, he wondered what sex the baby would be but either way he was overjoyed. He just hoped she would figure it out real soon as he was aching to see her face when she finds out.

He made his excuses to Adelaide and told her that he would be back before 10; he shifted into his wolf and ran off through the woods enjoying the fresh invigorating scents of the early morning. It didn't take him long to reach his parents house. Connor pulled on his trousers and shirt that he had carried in his teeth; although his parents were retired his mum was still up as usual at the crack of dawn.

He chapped lightly on the front door before turning the handle, his mum was sitting in the living room on her laptop that Connor had gotten her for Christmas. Although she had never set foot on human ground, she was an avid follower of all the soaps, Eastenders, Coronation Street and Emerdale. Sometimes Connor thought her head was just full of human junk.

She jumped when Connor popped his head round the door "Connor! You trying to kill me?" she tutted before standing up to cuddle her son. "So what's up?" she asked as she walked past him to stick the kettle on "Nothing much, I just need some advice" Connor mumbled looking at his bare feet. "Oh what sort of advice?" she replied giving him her full attention. "I need advice on what sort of engagement to buy Adelaide" he waited for what he had just said to sink in, it didn't take long.

His mum screamed and threw herself at Connor excitedly asking him when he was going to propose and how he was going to ask her. "That I haven't figured out yet, but I want to buy a ring today while we are in the village" he sighed trying to get back to the point again. His dad huffed into the room grumbling about being rudely awoken "Connors getting married!" his mum shrieked again causing his dad to cover his ears. "When did this happen?" his dad asked quite put out that he wasn't told before hand.

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