Chapter Forty-one

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Jack paused for a second then ran back through the west wing and out into the corridor, he remembered passing a certain room that had an awful smell of silver coming from it. He came up to it and noticed a box on the side of the door with a keypad on it, 'Typical it needs a password' he growled before whacking it hard with his fist, sparks flew from it accompanied with a horrible electric smell that tickled his sensitive nose, he turned the handle and smiled when it gave way easily.

Jack walked into the room and was gobsmacked by the piles of guns of all shapes and sizes as well as boxes upon boxes of ammo...silver of course. He quickly chose the best of the guns that had huge ranges on them and shoved them into an old dusty rucksack he found in the corner, he filled the rest of the bag with as much ammo as he could fit in it. He zipped it up before shifting into his massive grey wolf; he picked up the bag with his teeth and headed towards the exit.

Jack knew that he could cover more ground as his wolf and would be easier to fight off any unexpected obstacles. **Jake where are the Kelltoch pack?** he asked with his Alpha tone **They are only about ten minutes away from the ambush, they seem to be taking their time** Jake confirmed where Alex and the rest of his pack where. Jack was grateful for the fact Connor had slowed down, this gave him enough time for his plan.

He sprinted as fast as his legs could go and before long he seen sight of Connors pack including all the girls, some where a bit worse for wear and some were helping others walk but all of them seemed to be holding up. He had no time to stop so he carried on through the camouflage of the trees and thick bushes, although he was scentless, he was still visible by sight.

At last he came upon the ambush, 'Wow that's a lot of hunters!' he gasped in shock, they needed as much help as they could get, the hunters almost doubled the number of wolves 2 to 1, he slowly made his way past them successfully and caught sight of his pack in the distance **Hey Jack! Glad you could make it** Alex joked trying to break up the crushing tension within the pack. **I have a plan** Jack simply said before heading towards them.

Alex met Jack just a few metres away from the rest of the pack, not wanting to leave them unguarded, Jack shifted into his human form after dropping the bag and Alex quickly shifted after him. "I have a pile of long range rifles with ammo, if we can get some of our men to shift and maybe hide in the trees out of the reach of the dogs..." he was abruptly interrupted by Alex who just stood there with the biggest grin on his face "You genius! The dogs aren't immune to bullets" Jack finished "Yip, neither are the hunters" he grinned back. He emptied the bag out and counted the five rifles he had picked, Alex had chosen the five fighters needed to man the guns; neither Jack nor Alex had volunteered to take one of these safer positions as it would be more beneficial to have the strongest fighters on the ground.

Everyone seemed to have renewed faith since Jack returned and resumed his role as Alpha, although Alex was an excellent Beta and had ran the pack beautifully while Jack was going through dark patches there was no real substitute for having their true Alpha back.

The five fighters took their human form, collected their weapon and ammo and searched for the perfect hiding places. Each spreading out to find a spot as close to the ambush as possible and climbed high into trees and waited for further instruction.

It wasn't long before they heard from Jack that Connors team where close and had the rest of the hunters on their tails. They seemed to be able to stay ahead of the remaining four hybrids but now they were just about within sight of the ambush. Jake would tell Jack when they were in fighting distance and they would wait until both hunting parties joined together before they attacked. If they pulled this off hopefully all hybrids and hunters would be exterminated.

At last some of the fighters from the treetops called out to say that Connors pack had arrived and about two minutes later another call rang out to say the hunters were here. Jack noticed a man cursing at a mobile phone, he guessed he was waiting for confirmation from Raven, 'Good luck with that one!' his wolf sniggered causing Jack to smile. The man swore down the phone before putting it away in his pocket "CHARGE!" he shouted at the top of his lungs and seen a wave of hunters move towards Connor. Thank god Connor already knew of the ambush on the ambush but what he didn't know was Jack's plan.

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