Chapter 66

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Tonight was the concert and I couldn't wait to see my dad again! Two months feels like an eternity.

We pulled up to the venue, walked in showing our passes, and headed to the dressing room.

Sabrina knocked on the door and the door opened, Ryan engulfing the three of us in a hug.

"Chris, your family is here!" He called. "Come in."

We walked in and I smiled as my dad approached us, giving me a long-awaited hug and kiss on the top of my head.

Of course, Mason and Sabrina got theirs as well. Plus all the guys gave me hugs and asked how I was coming along with recovery.

"We better get out there, the stage is almost set up for us," Ricky said.

I desperately wanted to tell Ricky what his son had done to me, but the teenage drama was the last thing he needed to hear.

I followed my dad and the band to the stage like a little puppy and stood off to the side as they walked on one by one.

Vinny started and the lights came on as the rest of the guys chimed in starting with 570.

I danced around the best that I could without making myself sore and gave a few head bangs here and there.

Hmm, I wonder if Braxton and Kamryn are here? And once again I'm back to thinking about those two assholes! I pushed the thought out of my head and continued to have a good time.


After the concert, my dad was standing around outside talking to a few fans. Ugh, this is the part that's going to suck. Once he's finished talking with them it's gonna be time for him to get back on the bus and leave again.

"Hey?" Someone said.

I turned around and saw a boy who looked about my age with black hair and snake bites. He was probably two inches shorter than my dad, thin, and was wearing a grey hoodie.

"Can I help you?"

"Aren't you Cassidee Cerulli?"

I was starting to freak out a little because I had no idea who this kid was and how he knew my first and last name.

"Who wants to know?"

He laughed a little and pointed to himself. "We go to school together. You're in my world history class, well you were."

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the slightest idea who you are."

"I'm Jace. You used to sit two desks over from me in class. Did you transfer schools?"

Now I was starting to remember who he was. Jace was the kid who used to get picked on by the seniors in civics class.

"No. Just stuff happened."

"Oh. Well, a few people in class noticed you weren't there and wondered if you moved or something. Here, take my phone and put your number in it."

Jace held his phone out and was reluctant, but then I looked over at Ricky and thought about Braxton. I took Jace's phone and typed in my number.

"There ya go," I said, handing his phone back.

"Cool. I'll text you sometime during this week and I hope to see you in school again. Ew, I'm looking forward to going to school." Jace laughed.

I smirked, rolling my eyes, and walked over to my dad who was now saying goodbye to Sabrina and Mason.

"Who were you talking to over there?" He asked, looking over my shoulder.

"This boy who's in my world history class. He was just curious where I was, that's all."

"You didn't tell the whole story, did you?"

"No! He just asked if I moved and I said stuff happened. His name is Jace and he got my number."

My dad sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes.


"You know how I feel about you and guys at the moment."

"It was only my phone number? It's not like he asked me out to dinner."


"So Braxton can cry over me and says he loves me and no one bats an eyelash, thinking it's all lovey and happily ever after? Newsflash! Braxton told me fuck you and is dating some girl named Kamryn!"

"Woah what!"

I looked over and saw Ricky standing there with a confused look on his face. Something tells me he has no clue Braxton's dating.

Jace's pic up top

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now