Chapter 111

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The next morning my dad and I were in the car driving and following the hearse from the funeral home to the cemetery. We were right behind the hearse and I could faintly see my mom's casket lying in the back. After today it'll be all over and my mom will become nothing but a memory to me again.

We arrived at the cemetery and stopped right where my mom's grave was going to be put. Everyone got out of their cars and stood around the hole in the ground that would hold my mom for eternity. The priest began to speak his words and I stood there listening on and looking at various people my mother knew over the years. Her casket began to slowly inch down into the ground as everyone threw roses on top of it.

After that everyone had gone back to their cars and no doubt drove off to some sort of lunch that they were having. My dad just stood there with a blank expression looking into the ground at my mom's casket. He let out a heavy sigh and threw a rose onto her casket and turned around to look at me.

"You okay?"

"I'm trying to get to that state."

My dad put his arm around my shoulder as we walked back to our car. Maybe things would've been different if my mom just told him she was pregnant with me? Maybe she'd still be alive and things in the past would've never occurred? But who knows.

"Did you love my mom?"

"I did, but after she had quit talking to me and the band taking off I just..moved on. I never quite understood why she stopped talking to me and avoided me at all costs."

"Then four years later-"

"Four years later I got the best gift ever received." My dad smiled down at me. "Surely had no idea there was a little me running around, but I'm glad you're my daughter, Cassidee."

"I'm glad I'm your daughter too, Dad."

Sorry, it's so short, it's a filler.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now