Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning to have Ian's arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head a little and saw that he was still sleeping.

''Ian.'' I yawned. ''Ian, wake up.''

''Nooo.'' He whined, pulling me closer to him. "Just stay in bed with me all day.''

''I wish I could, but my dad wants me home.''

''Oh alright.'' He huffed, getting out of bed.

Ian walked over to his closet and pulled out a shirt, putting it on, and slipped on his jeans. I sat up for a few seconds and got up, grabbing my clothes. I walked down to the bathroom and got changed into my clothes and walked downstairs.

Ian and I went out, getting in his car, and drove back to my place. He pulled up to my house and I turned, smiling at him.

''Thanks for letting me spend the night, my dad told me you have good instincts.''


''I'll text you when I get inside.'' I smiled, kissing his cheek.

I got out of the car and walked in through the front door. It's too quiet in here and my dad better not scare me again this time.

''I'm home,'' I called, walking around the house. "Hello?"

''Where were you?" Mason asked, coming down the steps.

''Ian's, where's Mom and Dad?"

''Out with friends and Grandma came over since you were gone.''

''Where is she?"

''On the patio, reading her book.''

I walked through the kitchen to our backdoor and saw my grandmother, sitting at the table reading. I walked out the door and smiled.

''Grandma.'' I smiled, hugging her.

''Cassidee, where have you been all morning?" She asked, putting down her book.

''I was with my boyfriend,'' I said, taking a seat.

''Boyfriend? Your dad never mentioned this to me.''

''His name's Ian, he's the best guy I could ask for. He's older than me though, he's attending school this fall for music production.''

''You were so little and thought boys were gross, now you're a teenager and have a boyfriend! Cassidee, you grew up too fast on us.'' She giggled, placing her hand on mine.

''Don't remind me.'' I groaned, laughing shortly after.


Mason and I spent the afternoon with our grandmother while our parents were out. It was nice to sit down and talk with her, I could sit and talk with her for hours on end. I like spending time when my grandmother comes over to our house.

''Hey, we're back! Sorry, we were a little later than expected.'' My dad said, walking through the door.

''That's all right, I had a nice time with these two.'' My grandmother said, patting my knee.

''Did you have a nice time at Ian's?" Sabrina asked, walking in.

''Yeah! Then he took me home first thing when we got up.''

''Told you I'm starting to think Ian's an all right guy.'' My dad smiled.

''Dad, he is! Admit it, that you like him.''

''I didn't at first, but I'm slowly heading down that path to like him.''

''He's your father, he'll never fully like your boyfriends.'' My grandmother whispered to me.

''I heard that.''

''I believe her too.'' I laughed. "I have a strange feeling he's going to be a basket case when I'm engaged.''

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now