Chapter 44

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"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I said, damn near falling off the bench.


"Where's my daughter?!" Samantha questioned, tears running down her face.

I stood up and blocked her from going any further down the hallway.

"You're supposed to be in jail! You damn killed Cassidee when she was a little kid. How in the hell did you get out?! This makes no sense!"

"I'm not concerned about that right now! I'm concerned about my daughter, let me see her!"

"How do you even know she was here?"

"Ian's mother goes to a counseling group and I overhead her talking what had happened with her friends. I'm changed and let everything go that happened in the past."

"Well tell Ian's mother she has a big fucking mouth and keep her mouth shut about my daughter. Her asshole son is the reason why Cassidee is even in this place!"

I was slowly but surely getting pissed off with Samantha. She had no business being here and how she's out from what she did in the past just blows my damn mind.

"Chris, just let me see Cassidee so I know she's ok. I just want to see her for a minute and I'll leave."

I turned around and looked at Balz, who just shrugged his shoulders. I had no idea what to do with her.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling for a brief second.

"Alright, but Cassidee's in surgery at the moment. When she's done I'll come out and get you, stay out here."

Samantha nodded her head in agreement and sat down in a chair by the window.

Balz and I walked back to the waiting room and sat back in our original seats.

"Are you better now?"

"Not quite."


I looked down at my phone and saw it was now going seven o'clock at night. I don't think I can wait here any second longer.

The guys had gone home and I'd check with my mother several times to see how Mason was holding up.

The ICU's waiting room phone rang and Sabrina picked it up, placing it to her ear.

"Hello? Yes, this is the Cerulli's, she is? Okay, we'll be there shortly." She said, hanging up.

"Can we go back?"

"Yes, she's out of surgery and they said it was ok."

I jumped out of my chair and practically ran down the hallway, only to be stopped by the door's entrance bell.

Which I persistently pressed to get in and see my daughter.

The door unlocked and I opened it, heading to Cassidee's section of the unit.

She was still out and had multiple gauze bandages wrapped around her head.

"Cassidee," I whispered, gently taking her hand in mine.

"I was hoping she'd have her eyes open." Sabrina frowned.

Cassidee's doctor and the surgeon who operated on her came over and gave us each a quick handshake.

"So surgery looked good, we managed to take care of the swelling. We don't know how long she'll still be unconscious for, but she's a trooper." Her surgeon smiled at us.

"But everything looks good, right?" I asked.

"So far, but when she does come back I'd feel more comfortable doing a head CT to look at everything."

We shook our heads and I looked back at Cassidee with a small smile on my face.

"Now let's hope for a fast recovery and get her back on her feet. Nice meeting you two and have a good evening." He smiled, going to talk with other people in the unit.

"I'm so glad she pulled through this. You're a damn good fighter, girl." Sabrina smiled, lightly pecking Cassidee's cheek.

I sat there looking at my daughter and remembered Samantha still out in the hallway.

"Shit!" I mumbled.


"I forgot my phone in the waiting room. Watch her."

I walked out of the unit and back down the hallway, seeing Samantha asleep in the chair.


She jumped in her seat and looked around a bit before looking at her watch.

"Is Cassidee's surgery over? Was one hell of a wait."

"Well, I would of imagine since they had to open her skull. She pulled through with it though."

"She is a tough one, I will admit that."

"Okay, well my wife thinks I'm looking for my phone, I'll give you two minutes with Cassidee, and then you're out, deal?"


We walked back to the ICU in complete silence and waited to be let in once again.

I lead Samantha to Cassidee's bed and when Sabrina turned to acknowledge me, the look on her face was not pleasant at all!

"You better get that bitch out of here!" Sabrina said through gritted teeth.


"Do you have any idea how much misery you caused our family?! You had Cassidee frightened for months, you lunatic."

"I just wanted to see my daughter. No drama, no fights." Samantha said, putting her hands up. "I talked with Chris earlier and he said I could have a few minutes with Cassidee."

Sabrina whipped her head and glared at me before getting up and storming out of the ICU.

Well, that's just great!

"I'm not entirely trustworthy of you, so I'll close the curtain and give you and Cassidee some privacy. Two minutes exact."

I stepped away from the bed and closed the curtain around them, leaning against the wall.

"I just created a big disaster," I said to myself.

Two minutes later, Samantha came out and gave me a small smile, wiping her cheeks.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for making Sabrina mad."

"I'll talk to her and you're welcome."

Hopefully, Samantha doesn't run into my wife at any dead-end hallways.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now