Chapter 113

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Two Months Later

My family, Jace, and I were all sitting in the living room as we were watching one of the Christmas specials on TV. All of our gifts had been open and Christmas dinner was already said done and over with. I smiled as I watched my dad and Jace make small talk with each other every few seconds. Seeing that made me feel very lucky to have Jace in my life.

"I almost forgot I had one more present to give out," Jace said getting off the couch and going over to the tree.

He picked up a small white box with a red bow on and brought it over to me, placing it in my hands. I looked down at the box and then back up to Jace with a confused look on my face.

"What is this?"

"Just open it." He smiled.

I lifted the small lid and saw a silver key laying there on a black velvet cushion. On the underside of the lid, it read: "You stole the key to my heart, now here's the key to my home."

"You stole the key to my heart, now here's the key to my home? Jace, did you-?"

Jace smiled and nodded his head. "Well not technically, but it's a small townhouse that I'm renting, and well, will you move in with me?"

My mouth hung open as I looked around the room to see all eyes on me. The last time I was asked to move in with someone it nearly cost me my life! I looked at my dad who had a well give an answer type of look on his face. I closed the box and handed it back to Jace as I got up grabbing my coat and boots and walked outside to the porch.

I placed my hands into my coat pockets as I stood on the porch and watched the snowfall from the darkened sky as it began to cover the Christmas lights on the banister. The door opened up and I felt something warm being placed on my head. I looked up to see my dad putting my black beanie on my head as he straightened it out.

"You are going to catch your death out here, Cass."

"I was starting to get overwhelmed and it was too hot in there, so."

"You're probably wondering why I'm not blowing up and throwing your boyfriend against the wall right now, huh?" He laughed shortly after.

"Well yeah."

"I know the last time we had this same situation with your ex, it didn't go very well. Here's where it's different with Jace, okay? Ever since you've been with him, I've seen you open up more, you don't act like a scared dog around him and I haven't seen a single mark on you. Of course, I'm not going to always like Jace because he's dating my daughter, but you're eighteen now and you're going to do what you want, so I can't decide for you or keep you here forever as much as I'd like to."

I nodded my head as I looked down at my boots. "I know, let's get back inside and I'll discuss this with Jace, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan."

My dad and I walked back into the house and I smiled as I sat back down next to Jace. He placed his arm around my shoulder and scooted closer to me. I didn't know where to start with this decision lingering in my head. My dad was right, I was eighteen and he couldn't keep me forever, but then I'm scared to make the wrong decision again and end up getting hurt.

"Jace, can we talk in the dining room?" I whispered.


We got up and headed into the dining room and sat down at the table as Jace picked up a cookie from one of the trays and began to eat it.

"How are you going to afford rent? Do you also have to pay for the utilities?"

"I got a part-time job at the mall working at Spencer's, don't worry our first month there is free and I don't have to pay for utilities."

"What are we going to do about school?"

"Carpool until we graduate."

"You know the last time I moved in with someone it nearly killed me. The very moment he made the suggestion of us living together my dad had a fit."

"I already asked your dad about this, he seemed reluctant at first and then he came around and said we'd wait on your answer. I know you probably heard this before, but I promise you that this will not be a repeat of history."

I rubbed my temples sighing and gave Jace a small smile. "Alright, let's go talk with my dad."

We walked back into the living room and my dad was sitting on the edge of his seat with an anticipated expression. We sat down and I opened the box to take out the key and tightly clasped it in my hand.

"Did you make a decision?"

"It wasn't easy, but Jace and I are going to be living together."

My dad came over and hugged us both with a huge smile on his face. He pulled back, smiling at me, and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm giving this a second try and I have a better feeling about it than last time, don't do anything that's going to make me come over there and break a few bones." My dad laughed as he stared at Jace.

"I promise you that right here and now that I will not let anything happen to Cassidee, Mr. Cerulli."

"Told you I liked him a lot better, Cassidee."

"Now I can finally get her room!" Mason cheered.

"Don't be so sure of yourself, I'll be making appearances here and there so don't even think about it," I warned.

Yeah, you could say I was also back on better terms with Mason after the whole incident with my mom and everything. We had a family discussion and Mason was told to apologize for what he had said to me. I know he didn't mean to say the things that he did, but it's over with and everything's okay.

I looked around the room as everyone was smiling and laughing and having a good time. I know things haven't been easy this year, but if it wasn't for my family I wouldn't be alive and have all these wonderful opportunities. I blessed more than I thought I was.

"Let's take a family photo." Sabrina smiled as she held up the camera.

We piled in front of the tree and smiled as Sabrina angled the camera and snapped a photo of us all, including Jace. I turned to face Jace and smiled as I put both of my hands on his face and pressed my lips to his.

"What was that for?"

"Welcome to the family." I smiled.

I couldn't wait to make new memories with Jace and my family. I couldn't wait to see what the new year was going to bring us and whatever it brings we're going to be ready for it.

Vince Vance & The Valiants- All I Want For Christmas Is You


That's it, people, the end has finally come. I know it came out of nowhere, but don't worry there is another book following this one in the works and should be released within a few days, so keep watch for updates!

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now