Chapter 59

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The next day I was tuning in and out of my doctor telling me I was going to need physical therapy. The good news I wasn't paralyzed or in need of any back surgery, the only bad news was what my dad told me yesterday.

It's not that I was mad at him, I understand he has to do tours. It was that I was madder at myself for being like this and ending up in that stupid coma. This whole situation was my fault and I shouldn't have gone and stayed with Trevor and Camilla. Ian probably would've never found me if I went to Camilla's doctor's appointment, but no, I was stupid and stayed back.

Sabrina was over today because my dad went back home to get clothes and stuff prepared for the upcoming tour. I'm upset that I didn't wake up earlier when my dad was around, well now I did and he's going away.

"Does that sound good to you, Cassidee?" My doctor asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh, yeah."

He smiled, nodding his head, and walked out the door, going to check on his other patients as well. I groaned, closing my eyes and carefully rubbed my face out of frustration.

"You ok over there?" Sabrina asked.


"When I go to pick up Mason from hockey practice, how would you like if I grabbed you something to eat?"


"Cassidee, you're barely eating."

Yeah, I'm still giving my family a hard time eating. I have no interest in wanting to eat, there's no point for me to eat when I feel like crap. Physically and emotionally.

"Fine. Just grab me a milkshake from somewhere."

"Just warning you there will be food with that shake too. Now I'm going to pick up Mason, is there anything else you'd want?"


Sabrina nodded her head and walked out of the room, while I picked up the hospital TV remote and scrolled through some of the channels. A few seconds had passed and a knock at the door caught my attention. I looked over and saw it was Aubrey standing there with an oversized bag. I glared before rolling my eyes at her and went back to finding something interesting to watch.

"Can I come in and talk to you? Ha, too bad if you don't want me around. I'm coming in to talk to you and tell you to get yourself out of this trance, Cassidee!"

I ignored Aubrey and stared at the TV until she snatched the remote from my hand and turned it off.


"That got you to acknowledge me." Aubrey looked over the remote and also propped my bed up a little bit. "I'd be lying if I said you didn't piss me off the other day."

"Why are you even here?" I groaned, attempting to turn on my side.

"Because." Aubrey started, while she stopped me. "To get you to wake the hell up and to also stop you feeling sorry for yourself. Yeah, you have some bruises and your hair is a bit disheveled, but quit making it seem like it's the end of the world, Cassidee! Bruises heal and fade and hair will grow back, okay? You being in here wasn't mine, yours, or anyone else's fault, but Ian's, and he's paying for it believe me."

"Aubrey, I stayed with people he knew and that's how he found me! If I would've gone with them, Ian wouldn't have knocked on the door and I shouldn't have answered it."

"Okay, but did you know Ian was going to show up on their doorstep?"

"No, but I should've said something sooner. You being my best friend should've said something to my parents."

"We tried! I had no idea this was even happening until you were taken to the hospital! You damn well knew Braxton wanted to tell your parents, but you refused."

"Once again why are you here? Because all it seems like you're doing is making me worse!"

Aubrey grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Cassidee! It happened and it's now over, yes we all want to go back and make a few adjustments but we can't and we have to live with it. The main point of this is that you survived and that asshole Ian is going to rot in jail for the rest of his life. It broke my heart to hear you say you wished for death because I couldn't see a world without Cassidee Cerulli and I damn well know your father or Braxton couldn't either. I spoke to Braxton too and he's torn inside that you kicked him out the other day, Milo said he cried when he came home."

"He did?"

"I would too if the person I loved was in the hospital and finally came out of a coma kicked me out."

"Braxton loves me?"

Aubrey smiled, nodding her head. "He always has. Braxton was in the room with you the night you went into cardiac arrest, he was over here just as much as your parents were."

"I have to tell him to come back over here. I need to apologize to him."

"I'm two steps ahead of you with that my friend. That is why I brought over a bag with a pair of your pajamas you left at my house, a hairbrush, and an extra toothbrush."

"And you brought this stuff over here for?"

"I'm going to get you up and feeling better about yourself."

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now