Chapter 22

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The throbbing pain in my side is what woke me up from a small slumber. Not only the pain but also the constant ringing of my cell phone on the nightstand.

I picked it up and saw that it was Sabrina calling. Oh, wonderful!

"Hello?" I groggily answered.

"Cassidee? You sound awful like you didn't sleep at all! Did you and Ian pull all-nighter watching movies?" She chuckled.

"No. I just didn't... sleep well that's all."

"Well, I'm calling because I wanted to see if you'd like to have a girls' day with me. You're more than welcomed to ask Aubrey if she'd like to tag along too."

That does sound nice. I haven't seen Sabrina, nor my dad and Mason for a few days. But I'm not sure if Ian would want me to the leave house. I'm afraid that'll piss him off even more, especially if he'd get home before I would.

"That sounds nice, but Ian went out and I'm not sure when he'll be back. He promised we'd do something later tonight and I kind of want to clean up a little too. Thanks for offering though."

"Are you ok? Your dad and I have been thinking about you lately. Maybe we'll come over this week!"

"No! I mean, why do you want to visit two boring teenagers? We don't do much." I giggled nervously.

"You're our daughter. We have a right to visit you one of these days, Ian can't keep you locked away from us forever."

"Well maybe not this week, but if Ian and I aren't up to much on the weekend you guys can come over."

"Alright. I'll talk to your dad and you're sure you don't want to go out or anything?"

I freaked out when I heard the front door open and close. "I'm sure! Bye!" I hung up my phone and put it back on the nightstand.

"Cassidee?" Ian called.


Ian looked at me suspiciously as he walked into the bedroom, taking off his shoes.

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"It was my stepmom. She asked if I wanted to have a girls' day with her, but I declined it. I thought you were going out?"

"I was, but Scott was sick and Trevor's stupid girlfriend had a doctor's appointment because he knocked her up."

"I don't think she's stupid and I don't even know her and think it's nice Trevor is supporting her."

"She should've kept her legs closed. He invited me to their lame baby shower anyways, like I know what to get her!"

"I could always go with you? We can pick out something and it'll give me a chance to meet your friends." I smiled. "I'd like to meet Trevor's girlfriend, well, all of your friends. I don't see Aubrey or Milo anymore, so why not meet your friends and their girlfriends?"

"Cassidee, it's going to be boring! Trevor, Scott, and I will be the only guys there and the rest of the place will be swarming with estrogen."

"Please? Please, Ian? I don't ask for much." I begged.

Ian bit down on his lip and sighed, smiling. "Okay, we can go, but don't get any ideas about babies when we go shopping."

"I have a younger brother, he is the poster child for birth control."

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now