Chapter 102

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The next few days at school were a complete nightmare. Every time I walked down the hallways people would stare at me, girls would mutter "slut" or "whore" under their breath, the guys were the worst with this, they would catcall me and say vulgar things about me.

But as Jace told me, we knew the truth and they didn't. I was standing at my locker putting away my books when I felt someone walk past and smack me on the ass. I quickly turned around and tried to spot whoever it was. I sighed and hung my head, looking down at my feet. I just wanted today to be done and over with.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Aubrey standing there with a worried look on her face.


"Are you okay?"

"You know what people are saying about me at this place? I can't take it anymore, Aubrey! Every time I walk down these halls people stare at me, I'm slut-shamed, not even ten minutes ago someone smacked me on the ass!"

Aubrey pulled me into her chest and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. She pulled back and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Why did you come in today?"

"I debated it, but then I thought you and Jace would be here, but I can't deal with this."

The second bell for class rang and I closed my eyes, sighing out of frustration. I honestly didn't know what to do. If I stayed and went to class, I'd be tormented all period and if I left I wouldn't have to deal with that, but I would have to deal with my parents for skipping.

"You look tired and I know this is stressing you out, if I were I'd skip just for the day," Aubrey suggested.

"My dad will flip."

"With this situation, I think he'll be understanding. I gotta get going and I'll talk to you after school."

I waved goodbye to Aubrey and picked up my car keys, staring at them. Was I about to skip school just so I wouldn't have to deal with harassment? I slammed my locker and took my things, going out the doors and heading for the parking lot.

I got into the car and tossed my book bag into the back seat and gripped my steering wheel so tight that my knuckles started to turn white. A few tears began to fall down my face and the next thing I knew I let out an ear-deafening scream. I threw my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes as I continued to bawl my eyes out.

I started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot heading to wherever that had nothing to do with school or people in general. I drove into my mom's neighborhood and pulled into her driveway, staring at the vacant house. The spare key that she gave me at Mason's party hung from my key chain and I debated whether or not to go in.

There was no one in sight, so I got out of the car and walked up the porch steps to the front door, unlocking it. I walked inside and looked around and checked it out to double-check no one else was in here besides me. Who knows who else could've gotten a spare key from my mom.

It was safe to say no one was in the house and I could walk around without feeling paranoid. I walked into the living room and threw myself down on the couch, burying my face into one of the pillows. My mom didn't have any cable set up in the house yet, so I could tell it was going to be dead quiet and boring here.

"Wonder if she has any food here?" I asked out loud. I got up from the couch and made my way into the kitchen and opened one of the pantry's doors and rummaged, searching for anything edible.

"The fuck?"

I took out an empty Pop-tart box and saw that there were two joints rolled up inside. I knew exactly what they were, my school had given us enough assemblies on to not smoke pot, drink or do any other kind of drug.

Was I going to take one of these and light it up?

I pulled one out and held it under my nose inhaling the scent. I furrowed my brows and wrinkled up my nose as the smell came in contact with my nostrils. It smelled exactly like a skunk, well a dead skunk.

I found a nearby lighter on the kitchen counter and lit it up, placing it to my lips. I inhaled the smoke into my lungs, coughing and hacking immediately, and held onto my chest for dear life. I licked my lips and spit into the sink a few times to get the taste out of my mouth and inhaled from the joint again.

Thirty minutes had passed and I was sprawled out on my mother's couch, high and dazed out of my mind. I was in a completely different state and was feeling a hell of a lot better than I was at school. I don't even know what I was thinking, but all of a sudden I had this goofy smile on my face and started laughing like a moron.

I got up from the couch and went back into the kitchen to look for food because I was starving. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out various food and laid them out on the table and concocted something to eat. I opened one of the lower cabinets and found the motherload of alcohol.

"Jackpot!" I smiled.

I took out a bottle of vodka and opened it, drinking it straight from the bottle. I didn't care if it tasted bad or burned the back of my throat. As long as I was numbing this pain I was feeling that's all that matter to me.

Within minutes I was high and drunk and having the time of my life. I was in a fit of laughter rolling around the living room floor with my bottle of vodka, making stupid noises and faces. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at my contacts and proceeded to press Braxton's.

"Hello?" He answered a few minutes later.

"Do they call you when dumb needs a mascot?" I laughed into the phone.


"I-I-I think thaaaaaat I should go on that c-cooking show! Oh my god! I just thought of you as a dinosaur! Pfffft!"

"Cassidee, where are you?"


"No no! You stay and I'll find you!" I hung up on Braxton, getting up on my feet, and stumbled around as I searched for my car keys. I smiled when I spotted them and picked them up heading out the front to my car.

I lost my balance on the porch steps and tumbled down them, hitting my head off one of the steps. I groaned as my skull made contact with the pavement and I laid on the ground making inhuman noises.

It was now dark outside and I squinted my eyes as I was blinded by two very bright lights. Either I'm getting arrested or dying, no in-between. A dark blurry figure came over to me and lifted me to my feet and helped me up the steps and laid me on the couch.


"Stay here."

She sighed walking into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with a damp washcloth and a first aid kit. She pressed the cloth to my forehead and I hissed as the wetness made contact with the open gash on my head.

"What in the hell were thinking?!" She opened up the kit and dabbed a bit of antiseptic on my wound and covered it with a bandage.

"Oh shut up!"

She sighed and looked around the living room and picked up my cell phone, looking for someone's contact. I saw her press down on the screen and then bring the phone to her ear, she waited a few minutes and then walked into the kitchen.

"GIMME MY PHONE YOU WHORE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

My mom walked back into the room and tossed my phone into my lap, giving me an angered and hurt look. She sat on the other couch and hung her head, placing her hands on top of it. She began to bounce her leg as she started sniffling and crying.

A knock at the door got both our attention and she got up, sighing and hesitated to answer the door. The door opened up and I saw my dad and Sabrina standing there at the doorstep, both highly pissed off. My dad bolted in and came over to me and stood me up, glaring at my mom.

Well shit!

Trapped: The Word Alive

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