Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning and laid in bed for ten minutes before getting up. I used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs for some breakfast.

"Good morning.'' My dad smiled.

''Hi,'' I said, taking a seat at the table.

''What's wrong?"


''Nuh ah ah! Don't pull that one on me, now spill.'' He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

I sighed and started to play with my fingers. ''Well, Ian and I sort of argued last night.''

''Ian was here?"

''No! I mean we argued over text and I just feel really bad.''

''It was your first little argument, it happens. Couples argue all the time and they talk it out and resolve it.''

''Well, that's only if the man admits he was wrong,'' Sabrina said, walking in. "Cass, I can't tell you how many arguments I won with your dad, ahem all of them, but Ian will realize the argument was dumb and he'll apologize.''

''I guess you're right.''

''Always am.'' She smirked over at my dad.

''See what you started?" My dad looked at me, motioning his hands to Sabrina.

''She did nothing wrong.''

''Yeah! This whole which sex is more right!"

''Females are always right.''

''Are not.''

''Are too.''

''You guys work this one out. I'm going to see Ian today.'' I said, getting up and walking upstairs. They'll be there all day and I did not need to hear that.

I got myself dressed and picked my phone off the bed, still in the same place, and texted Ian.

C: Is it ok if I came over and we talked?

I: Yeah sure, we need to. Pick you up in a few?

C: Okay.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked downstairs, walking past my dad and Sabrina still going at it, and waited for Ian on the front porch.

Ian pulled up and he got out of the car, walking up to me. We didn't say one word, we just wrapped our arms around each other, standing still for a few seconds.

''Come on we can talk about this over my house,'' Ian said, letting go.

We got in the car, put on our seatbelts, and drove off to his place in complete silence. Ian pulled up to his house and we both got out, heading inside and going to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and rested my chin in my hand, sighing. ''So who's going first?"

''I'm sorry about yesterday, Cassidee, I am! I did my parents' yard work all day in the hot sun and I guess being that tired just fucked with my head. I didn't mean to say what I did.''

''It's ok, I forgive you, Ian."

''Don't you have something to apologize for?''

I turned my head so fast to look at him I damn near snapped my neck. ''What did I do?"

''Well, you could've at least texted me once saying you were busy with your brother's party? I didn't know where you were or what happened to you.''

''Ian, I was at home and usually, you're the first one to text me in the morning, in all honesty, I was waiting for you.''

''So you should've still texted me.''

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now