Chapter 109

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I woke up the next morning and stared up at the ceiling as I remembered today was my mom's funeral. As much as I didn't want to attend it, I wanted to. I dragged myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower and finish with the rest of my routine.

I dried myself off and got dressed into my short-sleeved plain black dress. I went light with the eye makeup to avoid any type of smearing and slipped on a pair of black flats. I walked down the steps and saw my dad sitting at the kitchen table in a suit and tie.

"Why'd you get dressed? I thought you were just going to drop me off?" I asked preparing myself a bowl of cereal.

"I'm paying my respects. After you eat, get your coat and we'll head over to the funeral home." My dad said finishing up his breakfast.

Everyone ate in silence and didn't say a word about the funeral or my mother. Every so often I would look up from my bowl and catch Mason staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I just...I always thought we had the same parents. You've never mentioned your mom until now, what happened to her?"

"That's none of your concern, Mason," Sabrina said.

"But the whole situation is weird. Why was I never told about any of this?"

"Because it's none of your business that's why! I'll be in the car."

I got up from the table and grabbed my coat and walked out to the car, getting in the passenger seat. I sat there for thirty minutes until my dad came out of the house and got into the car.

"You didn't tell him anything specific did you?" I asked putting on my seat belt.


My dad put his seat belt on and we pulled out of the driveway and headed to the funeral home where my mom was being laid out at. He pulled into a parking spot and we just sat there for a few minutes as we watched different people walk in and out.

"You don't have to come in if you don't want to."

"Girl, it's freezing outside and I also don't want you to be around any relatives of your mother's if they happen to recognize or even remember you. You can stay as long as you'd like and if you get too uncomfortable we can go back home, okay?"

I nodded my head and we both got out of the car and walked inside the funeral home. The place wasn't as packed as I thought it would be, guess you could say most friends my mom had were either in rehab or dead. I looked into the viewing room and could see my mom laying in her casket, pale and lifeless.

"I'll stay out in the hallway, just come out and grab me if you want to leave."

I waved my dad off and walked further into the room, making my way past various people who I had no clue who was. I made it to the front of my mom's casket and the air in my lungs stopped and I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment.

"Well, at least she's not suffering anymore."

I turned my head and saw an older woman about my grandmother's age, she was wearing a tight black dress, black pointy heels, and had a string of pearls around her neck.

"My god, you're the spitting image of Samantha! Baby Cassidee?!" She gasped.

"I'm anything but a baby, lady."

"I'm who would've been your grandmother, but your mother had different plans." She sighed.

Oh hell no! She was not going to blame me and my mom for leaving her house!

"Can I talk to you out in the hallway?"

We walked out of the hallway and my dad noticed me, raising his eyebrows at me and the random woman I was with. I held up my hand to him to let him know I could handle this on my own without his assistance.

"Please what were these other plans my mother had? Because when I last spoke to my mom, you kicked her out."

She looked up and furrowed her eyebrows at my dad and then back to me, soon realizing who had fathered her deceased daughter's child.

"Who do you think was going to raise you soon after you were born? Your mother still had to finish out her high school career and she wouldn't tell us who the father was! Babies out of wedlock, especially to unfit mothers are nothing but a burden."

"Woah! Woah! Excuse us, but I'm going to take my daughter home and you are not going to say a single word to her ever again, don't even think about saying anything to her tomorrow at that burial."

My dad grabbed me by the arm and walked us out of the funeral home, getting in the car and slamming the door behind him. We just sat there for a minute as my dad stared out the windshield, his knuckles turning white as he gripped onto the steering wheel.

"How dare she think she can talk like that about you and your mother, the nerve of that-that-that-"



"Dad, don't let people like her get to you. She was just saying that to get a rise out of us, so don't feed into that bullshit."

"She can't talk about you or your mother like that! How the hell would she know your mother would be unfit, what just because she had a baby before finishing school or not being married that makes her an unfit mother?"

"Dad, calm down you're going to give yourself a stroke."

My dad rested his head against the steering wheel and began to sob loudly. I was confused at the sudden emotional outburst he was having.

"I-I loved that girl and she didn't give a damn about me!"

A frown appeared on my face as I leaned over and tightly hugged my dad. I rested my head on his shoulder and lightly patted him on the back.

I had no clue my dad was in love with my mother.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now