Chapter 33

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, which was no shocker to me. I sighed, pulling the covers off of me, and slowly sat up in bed. I wasn't in too much from last night, but the aftermath hurt like hell.

I got out of bed and got myself dressed, heading downstairs. A neon pink post-it note on the fridge caught my attention and I peeled it from the surface.

"Cassidee, went out be back soon. Love, Ian." I read out loud. I sighed, crumpling up the note, and decided to make myself a bowl of cereal.

While I was doing so, I heard my phone ringing from the bedroom. I immediately dropped what I was doing and ran into the room, answering my phone.

"Hello?" I asked, not paying attention to who was calling.

"Cass! It's Sabrina, what are you up to?"

"Uh, just woke up and was going to eat some cereal. Most likely I'm going to stay in today, Ian went out."

"Nonsense. Come have a girl day with me! I haven't seen you since Mason's hockey game. You're welcomed to invite Aubrey if you'd like."

"Well I mean, I don't know? Ian went out and I have no idea when he'll be back. I wouldn't want him to arrive at an empty house."

"I won't take no for an answer. Just ask your dad." She chuckled.

"She's right!" I heard my dad yell in the background.

"O-okay, just let me straighten myself up and I'll see you soon."

"Awesome! I'll pick you up in a few minutes."

We hung up from each other and I went downstairs to clean up my mess in the kitchen. If Ian comes home before I do, I wouldn't want him to come home to a messy place.

I fixed myself up so I'd look a little more presentable to my mom and waited on the step outside the door. While I was waiting I texted Aubrey to kill some off.

C: Hey

A: Hey what's going on?

C: Nm, are you busy today?

A: No

C: Could you come hang out with me and Sabrina for the day? I have something I need to tell someone, but I want to tell you first before anyone else.

A: I'm here for you! I'll get ready

C: Thanks


Sabrina came and picked both me and Aubrey up and headed out to the mall for this girls' day. It was an eerie silence in the car until my phone vibrating interrupted it.

A: What's this big thing that you have to tell me?

C: Just forget it, it's not a big deal anymore

A: It is so a big deal because you have me intrigued now! Tell me or I'll get your stepmom involved or is she in the know too?

C: No! She's not and I'd rather her not be in the know. I want to tell you because you're my best friend

A: Then tell me!

"Okay, we're here." My mom said, pulling into the parking lot.

We got out of the car and headed to the entrance doors, stepping inside the Macy's.

"Tell you what, I'll let you two go on your own and we'll meet at the Starbucks by the Barnes and Noble around one, okay?"

I shook my head and walked off to some part of the store with Aubrey hot on my tail.

"Cassidee, will you tell me what the hell is going on?" Aubrey demanded.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around looking around to make sure Sabrina wasn't anywhere close by.

"Just forget it, alright?"


Aubrey pulled me by the back of my shirt collar and gasped, letting go.

"What happened to your neck?!"

I quickly turned around, covering my neck, and shushed Aubrey so she wouldn't make a scene.

"It was just from Ian, that's all."

"That's one hell of a hickey. Does this have to do with anything you were gonna tell me?"

I just looked down at my shoes and shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait! Did you and Ian, you know? Do it?"

I didn't answer.

"You guys did! Were you scared? Did it hurt?"

"A little for both. Just don't mention it around Milo because Braxton will somehow find out and that information will end up getting to my dad."

"My lips are sealed. Come on, let's go shopping." Aubrey smiled, walking over to another section of clothes.

We met up with Sabrina at Starbucks like she said and just hung out, talking and drinking our coffee.

"Cassidee, schools almost going back and your dad wants me to make sure you know you have to come back home," Sabrina mentioned.

"But we said we'd wait to see what Ian's class schedule looks like?"

"Your dad changed his mind. Don't worry, we'll still let you see your boyfriend. He said it'll just be easier on Ian."

"What did he mean by that?"

"So Ian won't have to drive back and forth with you."

"I want to talk to my dad when I get home."

"Alright, but you won't be able to change his mind."

I did it once, I can do it again.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now