Chapter 93

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There was no way in hell that my mother was sitting next to me on this bus, just no way. She was arrested years ago after my kidnapping and almost killing my dad! This woman probably knows who my dad is and just wants money or something.

"When's my birthday?" I asked.

"October 31st, you were born at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital at 5 PM. Plus you were in there for months and had head surgery after your boyfriend had beat you."

My face turned completely pale and I could feel my entire body go cold. No random stranger would know those precise details about my birth and especially about Ian putting me in the hospital.

"Why are you here? How did you even find me?"

"After everything with you and your father, yeah I was put away and then I was let go as long as I completed court-appointed drug rehab and therapy. Ian's mother was in one of my groups and she told me about what Ian had done, I went to the hospital to see you, but you had no idea I was even there. I moved to Ohio with someone I'd also met in the group, well things weren't going too well so I decided to move back to Pennsylvania. I didn't know you were going to be on this bus, Cassidee."

I looked all over the bus searching for some sort of answer to my mother's words. Obviously, I wasn't going to find anything, so I kept my mouth shut and just stared out the window.

"I don't want you to cut off ties with me. I'm in a much better place and mindset than I was when you were a little kid. I can understand how upset you are with me for the shitty parenting I did."

"No, I don't think you can. I'm not going to sit here and listen to this bullshit, I'm getting off."

I noticed we were now entering the familiar territory and all the shops were becoming more familiar to me and one stood out in particular.

The Strange and Unusual.

I got up from my seat and made my way to the front, asking the bus driver to stop and let me off. I got off and walked down the sidewalk, coming up to the shop's door and walked in, being greeted by Toronto.

"Hello?" I called.

"Welcome to Cassidee?" Ryan-Ashley said coming up and hugging me. "What are you doing up here?"

"You would not believe the shit that I've been encountering these last few hours," I said, throwing my arms up.

"Come sit down and talk, what's going on?" She asked as we sat down on one of the antiqued sofas.

"I ran away from the tour I was on with my dad and I didn't tell him or anybody else, I just walked off the bus and took a bus back to Scranton."

"Why would you do such a silly thing? You know your dad is going to be extremely worried sick about you, Cassidee

"Let him worry after he slapped me. Besides, that's not even where the story gets more interesting, okay? I got on the bus and this woman approaches me and started asking all about my mom and stuff, well here it was my mom! She was picked up in one of the bus stops in Ohio and we ran into each other, she was getting to me so I told the driver to stop and let me off."

Balz had walked out from the back and his jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw me sitting there. He raised his eyebrows at Ryan-Ashley and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"What are you doing here, kiddo?" He asked, coming over and hugging me.

"Needed to see some good, familiar faces." I lightly smiled.

"You need to call your dad, sweetie. I know as much as you don't want to, you have to do it sooner or later."

"Can I borrow her from you for a minute?" Balz asked. Ryan- Ashley nodded her head and I got up, following Balz to the back where Ryan had her tattoo appointments.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now