Chapter 110

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The whole drive home my dad nor I said a single word to each other. He was hurting as was I, but if I said anything it would've just made things awkward. We pulled into the driveway and I got out to see my dad still sitting behind the steering wheel. I waited for a couple of minutes and then I walked into the house, closing the front door behind me.

"Where's your dad at?" Sabrina asked.

"He's still in the car," I said taking off my coat.


"We had a run-in with someone on my mom's family. If I were you I'd give him some time in the car to cool off."

I walked upstairs to my room and took off my shoes, sighing. I pulled back my bedroom curtain and saw that my dad was still sitting in the car. I had no idea that my dad had strong feelings for my mom they were feelings from years ago, but still, he's never mentioned them until now. I just hope Sabrina doesn't hear any word about this.

An hour had gone by and my dad finally came into the house and we were all sitting down at the table to eat dinner. Nobody said a word at the dinner table, which was making this day even more awkward.

"This is the quietest dinner I think we've ever had," Mason spoke up. "Why isn't anyone talking?"

"Because it was a rough day," I said looking down at my plate.

"Because your mom died?"

"Yes, Einstein!"

"Cassidee." Sabrina butted in.

"Well, I'm sorry that he asked the most stupid question ever!"

"Doesn't mean you have to act so mean towards your brother."

I got up from the table and went upstairs to my room and slammed the door behind me. Three seconds later I heard Sabrina and my dad having words with each other. I stood by my door and listened to what was being said downstairs.

"Look, I get that it's been hard for her and it's not going to be an easy recovery for her, but this doesn't give her the rights to act so meanly and heartless towards other people in this house."

My dad sighed and then stated: "I'm not in the mood to argue, I had people I didn't even know jump down mine and Cassidee's throat."

"Yeah, she mentioned that to me. Who were the relatives from Samantha's family that were giving you two so much trouble?"

"Her mother, look I'm not getting back into this because once Cassidee's mom is buried tomorrow it's over with, okay?

I froze up when I heard footsteps coming near my door, but calmed down when I realized it was only Mason going into his room. I stayed close to the door until a knock scared me out of my wits. I opened it and saw Mason standing there with an unpleasant look on his face.

"Can I help you?"

"It's your fault Mom and Dad are fighting!" He yelled walking into my room.

"Woah! How is this my fault?" I asked closing my bedroom door.

"All because your mom dies, Dad gives you special treatment and lets you off the hook whenever you act like an ass to me!"

"Dad hasn't given one ounce of special treatment, okay? So where ever the hell you're getting that information is full of shit. I'm not going to stand here and take shit from a god damn twelve-year-old!"

I slipped on my shoes and walked out of my bedroom to grab the car keys off the small end table by the front door. My dad and Sabrina were still having words between them so they wouldn't have noticed me walking out of this house. I walked out and got into the car and backed out of the driveway and headed down the street.

I picked up my phone and called Jace's cell phone. He answered after the phone rang about four times.

"Hey, I haven't heard from you or seen you in school. Where are you?" He asked.

"Meet me in the school parking lot."

After I said that I hung up and tossed my phone in the passenger seat. I drove to the high school and pulled into the lot to wait on Jace. Thirty minutes later he showed up and pulled into the spot next to me. He got out of his car and tapped on the window, so I unlocked the car and let him in.

"Why the hell are we out here?"

"I had to get out of the house."

"Yeah, but you could've picked a better place-"

I cut him off by turning my head and giving him a cold stare. "Shut up."

"What's going on at the house that you had to leave?"

I leaned forward in my seat and placed my chin on top of the steering wheel and looked out the windshield as it began to rain.

"My mom passed away."

"Oh Cassidee, I'm so sorry. How are you doing?"

"I've been better, but according to Mason, it's my fault that her death is causing Sabrina and my dad to fight. So I was a little rude with him when he asked the dumbest question at dinner, my dad didn't scold me so Sabrina did and according to Mason that's my dad giving me special treatment."

"That little shit stain. If your brother was just a few years older I'd go over there and kick his ass."

"Believe me if I didn't walk out when I did, that's what would've happened."

Jace put his hand on top of mine and patted it a few times. "Forget what the little asshole says, it's not your fault. Everyone's nerves are on edge when there's a death in the family, it's natural. When my pap died, it was like a war zone over at my house with the family."

My phone started ringing and Jace shot straight up since he was sitting on my phone. He picked my phone up and handed it over to me to show it was my dad calling, more likely to ask where in the hell I was.


"Where are you?"

"Sitting in the school parking lot with Jace. You and Sabrina were going at each other and then Mason came upstairs and started giving me shit about this whole situation, so I had to get out of that house."

"Just don't stay out too late and be careful driving, okay?"


We hung up and I looked over at Jace who gave me a smile in return. I turned around in my seat and leaned over to softly place my lips on his.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now