Chapter 76

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Two weeks later, I had to go back to school and I wasn't all that thrilled about it either.

I got myself dressed and ate a bowl of cereal as I waited for Jace to pick me up. That was the plus side of having a boyfriend with a car.

Jace honked his horn and I grabbed my bookbag, heading out the door. I got in the car, kissing Jace on the cheek and we drove off to school.

Even though it was school, I was happy to be back. I missed my art classes and I missed my best friend Aubrey.

"Hopefully we have lunch or a class together," Jace said, parking the car.

"We shall see. I have to pick up my schedule in the office." I said, getting out.

We walked inside and I have to say not much has changed since I was in the hospital. Well maybe a new paint job, but nothing major.

I walked into the office and was given a schedule when one of the secretaries asked what I needed.

"What classes do you have with me? Lemme see, lemme see!" Jace said.

"Chill! Let me look and I'll tell you. Hm, well not much has changed for the seventh period, I'm in World History."

Jace smiled and picked me up, spinning me around. He put me down and kissed me on the forehead.

"I don't care if I get yelled at, I'm moving my seat to be closer to you."

"That's going to get on my nerves real quick." I teased.

The bell rang and I was headed off to Biology my first class and Jace was off to English.

I walked in and was nearly tackled to the ground when Aubrey saw me. She let go of me and let me take my seat.

"I'm so happy you're back in school! I missed you!" She squealed.

"You see me at my house all the time."

"But that's different though. But, yay! Cassidee Cerulli is back in the house!"

I rolled my eyes at Aubrey, smiling, and got ready for today's lesson.


About halfway into class, I was starting to feel sick to my stomach. I placed my hand over my stomach and closed my eyes.

"Cassidee, you feeling ok?" My teacher asked, looking up from her desk.

"Can I go to the nurse?" I asked.

She pulled out a yellow slip, scribbling her pen on it, and handed it to me. I got up from my desk and walked to the nurse's office.

"Do you need something?" The nurse asked once I stepped in.

"An antacid? I feel pretty nauseated."

She opened the medicine cabinet and placed two chalky tablets in my hand. I put one in my mouth and almost threw up.

"Maybe you should lie down for a few minutes."

I laid on the little cot and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.

Then it dawned on me: Did I ever get my period yet?

"The antacids are helping. I feel like I can go back to class now." I said, sitting up.

"Okay, just come back if you feel worse."

Believe me, I do.

I went back to class and sat down, trying to focus somewhat on my schoolwork.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now