Chapter 4

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"Cassidee, time to eat.'' My dad said, walking past my door.

I got up from my bed, putting my laptop away, and followed my dad down the steps. This is the perfect time to ask him about Aubrey's party.

''Dad?'' I asked, taking a seat at the table.


''Well, uh, Aubrey invited me to her end-of-the-summer party, can I go?"

He looked over at Sabrina and raised his eyebrows. ''I'm not sure.''

''I think she's old enough to go to Aubrey's party for one night by herself,'' Sabrina added.

I smiled over at her and then looked at my dad, who was intently staring at me.

''If Jess lets Braxton go, then he'll be going with me and I'll know Aubrey there too! So it's not like I'll be there totally by myself.''

''I don't think Braxton's mom is going let him go to a party with a bunch of high school kids. Especially with how shy he is at social events.''

''Dad, I think if I and Braxton went this would help him break out his shell.''

''Okay, you can go.'' He said, a small smile forming on his face.



Once dinner was over I went back up to my room and called Braxton on Skype. Two seconds later I saw him appear on my screen, he didn't look so happy either.

''Hey.'' I smiled, waving.

''Hey, I asked my mom about going to Aubrey's and I can't go.'' He said. frowning.


''I'm sorry, but my mom is making me and Milo go to our grandparent's. I feel so freaking bad because I wanted to go with you.''

''It's ok, maybe my dad will still let me go because Aubrey will be there.''

''Yeah! Don't be glum, you still have a fighting chance to go.'' He smiled.


''Hey, Brax? Mom wants you downstairs.'' Milo said, peeking his head in.

''I gotta go. Talk to you later?"

''Yeah.'' I smiled.

''Bye.'' We disconnected from each other and I sighed, pushing my laptop to the side.


Three seconds later Sabrina showed up at my door. ''He just left to take Mason to hockey practice, what's up?"

''Braxton can't go with me to Aubrey's because he and Milo have to go over their grandparent's. I have a feeling he's not going to let me go.''

''Aubrey will be there, it's at her house, right?"

I nodded my head. ''Yeah.''

''You can go. I want you to go out and meet some new people.'' She smiled, walking in. ''I'm not saying you have to abandon Aubrey or the twins, just expand your circle of friends.''

''But what about Dad? How do you think his reaction is going to be?"

''You let me deal with him.''


"Cassidee! Come downstairs please!" My dad called, walking into the house.

I got up from my bed and hurried down the steps to see him and Mason standing by the last step. He pointed towards the living room and I walked in, taking a seat on the couch.

''Mason, go upstairs.''


''Now!" Sabrina pointed to the steps.

He groaned and stomped up the steps, shutting his door. No doubt that two seconds later into my lecture he'll be peering from the top steps.

''Sabrina texted me while I was at your brother's practice saying you're going to Aubrey's.''

''Yeah, but-''

''I know about Braxton because Ricky told me about the twins being with their grandparents.''

''So I can't go, right?"

''I didn't say that. I just wanted to bring you down here so I could tell you some things.''

''You mean rules?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

''Not exactly, but something along with that. Okay, you know if there's any alcohol do not drink it, just say no. If you even smell like alcohol I will ground you until you're fifty.''


''Don't take anything from anyone and don't go into the basement to play spin the bottle.''


''Got it?"

I saluted him and got up from the couch. I walked up the steps and there on the very top step sat Mason all smiles.

''Hah! Dad gave you a lecture.'' He laughed, following me to my room.

''So? I'm going to a party, you're not.''

''Yeah, and Dad told you to not be kissing boys.''

''Shut up.''

Mason started teasing me by making kissing noises with his mouth. I grabbed one of the pillows from my bed and chucked it at his head, which missed him because he ducked.

''Hah! You missed!"

This time I grabbed one of my boots and pulled back my arm, raising my eyebrows. ''That's it!"

Mason stopped and ran straight back to his room. I threw my boot back on the floor and closed my door, locking it this time.

Sometimes I wish I was still an only child.

(If you're curious, this is what Milo looks like)---------------------------->>

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now