Chapter 25

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Friday came quicker than I thought and was the day of Mason's hockey game. I was in the bathroom getting myself ready when Ian walked in.

"Do we have to go? It's going to be boring." He complained.

"I promised my dad and brother I'd be there. If you don't want to attend, then I'll just go by myself."

"I'll go with you. I don't trust anyone there."

"Whatever then."

I clasped on my bracelet, fixed my hair a little, and headed downstairs to go outside.

Ian and I got into the car and headed over to the ice arena where Mason was playing. I walked in and smiled when I saw my parents, Ricky and the twins.

"Are you kidding me?" Ian whispered.


"That idiot Braxton is here."

"Just stay away from him and don't say a word."

"Cassidee!" Sabrina smiled, hugging me tightly.

I held back the tears as she squeezed my sides.

"Hi." I smiled. "Is Mason all ready to get on the ice?"

"He just headed back, he was so anxious to see you, but his coach said he couldn't wait any longer."

"I'll catch him after. Let's go grab our seats."

Ian took my hand in his and we walked further into the area, finding good seats.

We sat in the second row, Ian was to my right, and next to him were my parents. To my left were Ricky and the twins.

I smiled as I saw Mason skating around, practicing his shots. On a white jersey in bright red was the number 20.

"Before this gets any exciting, I'm going to get drinks. Anyone want anything?" Sabrina asked, standing up.

Several drink requests were blurted out three seconds later.

"Cassidee, could you come along and help, please?"

"I'll be back," I said to Ian, getting up.

"I understand."

Sabrina and I walked out to the concession stand and waited in line behind two other people.

"So how's the living arrangement so far?"


"Ooh! That's a pretty bracelet." Sabrina gawked, picking my wrist up to get a better look.

"Yeah, it was a gift from Ian."

"That was nice of him. Oh, Cassidee, that's a pretty nasty bruise. What happened there?"

"I slipped in the shower and my wrist hit the shower caddy." I lied, pulling my arm back.

Sabrina nodded her head and stepped up to the counter to order the drinks.

This is bad. I never lie to Sabrina about anything! I can tell her everything, but I just can't say anything about Ian. It'll get too complicated.

She handed me a carrier of drinks and we walked back to our seats. I handed one set to Ricky and took my seat as Ian handed over my drink.


Halfway into Mason's game, the large cup of soda caught up with my kidneys and bladder. I didn't want to miss the last two minutes of the game, but the urge was killing me.

"I'm going to use the restroom," I said, standing up again.

I walked past everyone and made my way out to the restrooms. I walked out and did what I needed to do and walked out, nearly having a heart attack.

"Braxton! You scared me." I sighed, putting a hand over my chest.

"Sorry. So, my mom got Milo and me tickets to the amusement park for the weekend. There were two extras, Aubrey's going, wanna tag along?"

"I can't. I'm going to a baby shower for Ian's friends. Maybe next time."

"Okay, we're out of here." Ian popped up, dragging me away from Braxton.

"Ian, why? We were having such a good time."

"Mason assisted a goal. Now let's go home." Ian said, taking me outside.

Ian and I were standing in front of his car, both of us going at each other's throats.

"I can't believe you were throwing yourself at him!"

"I wasn't throwing myself at him! I was talking to him!"

"I don't care! He's capable of pulling something with you!"

"He's my friend-" I was cut off when Ian slapped me hard across the face.

"You stay with me! You were going to run off with him!"

"I wasn't going anywhere with him!"

"You want to go home with Braxton instead of me?!"

"No! Ian, will you stop!"

"How stupid can you be?!"

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Braxton yelled, pushing Ian.

"Ian, what's going on?" Milo asked, going up to Ian.

"Look it was an accident, okay?"

"Cassidee, he hit you!" Braxton yelled.

"He didn't hurt me." I defended, touching my nose.

"Your nose is bleeding, let's go inside."

"This is between us, okay?" Ian said, stepping in between.

Ian opened my door and got in the driver's side, starting the car up.

"You are not going with him, you hear me? He treats you like shit!"

"Well, you don't know what he's been through. Besides you don't give up on someone you love!" I said, getting in the car.

"You call that love? I don't even think he likes you!"

"Well, then you don't know what love is!"

We pulled out of the parking lot and drove home in complete silence.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now