Chapter 26

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Ian pulled into the driveway and we sat there for a minute staring out the windshield.

"I'm sorry," Ian spoke up.

"Do you care if I went for a walk? I need the air, clear my head." I asked.

"Go ahead."

I got out of the car, walking out of the driveway, and headed down the sidewalk. There's one place I know I can go to.


When I got to his house, I hesitated going up to the door and knocking. I knocked three times and that's who answered the door.

He wrapped his arms around me and brought me into the house, his arm loosely wrapped around my shoulder.

"Can I stay here? I don't want to go back to Ian's or my house. I didn't know what else to do." I said.

"Yeah. I'll let my dad know you're here and we'll set up the guest room for you."

Braxton walked further into the house, looking for his dad and they both came out a few seconds later.

"Cassidee, I didn't know you were coming over. But you're welcome to spend the night." Ricky smiled.

"Thanks. Is it okay if I took a shower?"

"Go right ahead."

We walked upstairs and Ricky got me some towels from the hallway closet. I entered the bathroom, closing the door, and began to strip.

Braxton's POV

I stood in the doorway of the guest bedroom as my dad fixed it up for Cassidee.

"Tell Cassidee to come say hello after she's done. I hardly see her anymore and we got some catching up to do."

"I think she's pretty tired, Dad."

"Is everything all right?" He asked, turning to look at me.

I looked down at my feet and sighed. "A fight with her boyfriend, I guess."

"Oh, I remember some of those. All that life and death stuff, right?"

My dad finished up with the bed and walked out, going downstairs. I sighed once again and headed to my room, going through my drawers.

I pulled out one of my shirts and a pair of sweatpants for Cassidee to wear once she was finished showering. I placed them on the bed and went back to my room.

I heard the water turn off and waited a good forty minutes to walk back into the guest bedroom.

"Cassidee?" I asked, knocking.

"Come in."

I slowly walked in and saw Cassidee already in bed, under the covers. I sat across from her and frowned.

"You gotta tell your parents. We'll do it together, maybe if I just tell-"

"No, you can't. He said he was sorry, he wants to change."

"But he won't and you know that."

"Yeah, but if I can just make him-"

"Cassidee, would you stop it?! You keep acting like this is your fault, can't you see that it's his? Do you know what's the hardest thing of all? When you've been friends with somebody for so long and you think it'll be that way forever."

"Things were so good."

Cassidee phone rang and I picked it up, seeing it was Ian.

"It's him."

Cassidee took the phone from me and answered it.

"Hello? No, I can't! Because I'm tired and I'm with my parents, no you cannot come over. I gotta go." She hung up the phone and looked at me. "It's like he's always constantly on my back. Where I'm at, who I'm with. It's like I can't get away."

"Cassie, listen to me, everything is going to be ok. You'll talk to him this week, you'll tell him it's over. We're still going to the amusement park this weekend, Ian won't be there and we'll celebrate. You and me, just like the old times. Thi- this is my fault too. I pushed you away into this, but Saturday it'll be all over."

She smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah."

"Saturday, okay?"


Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now