Chapter 67

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Ricky's POV

"Wait, who is Braxton dating?" I asked.

"I don't know, some Kamryn girl?" Cassidee replied, shrugging her shoulders.

I am so confused at this moment. I thought Braxton was over the moon for Cassidee, now he's not? Also how come I was never informed about a girlfriend from Milo or their mother?

"Hey, guys! We gotta get going." One of our crew members called from the bus doors.

"I'll see you in a few more weeks, be careful and I love you." Chris smiled, hugging Cassidee.

"Love you too."

We got back on the bus and I headed to my bunk to make an important phone call. I took out my phone and tapped the contact, waiting for the other end to pick up.

"Hello?" Braxton answered.

"Hey, so guess who we saw at tonight's show?"

"No idea, who?"

"Cassidee and she informed me and her dad that you're dating a girl named Kamryn?"

The other end got extremely quiet until a sigh from Braxton broke the silence.

"You going to ignore me or answer my question?"

"It was difficult and you wouldn't understand what happened at the hospital."

"Please explain what was so difficult because you were pretty set in stone with your feelings about Cassidee that one night."

"I asked her to be my girlfriend and she rejected me right after she told me she loved me too. How do you think I felt? Like a real jackass."

"Do you honestly think Cassidee wants to get in a relationship right now? Did you not see all that pain and suffering she went through?!"

Man, I wish I was back at the house to say this to Braxton's face and possibly give him a good smack upside his head.

"Then why did she say she loved me?"

"Because she does! Cassidee loves you she just wants time to heal!"

"Well I'm not waiting forever and this is the exact reason why I didn't tell you about Kamryn."

"Too late. Also, you have to realize Cassidee's more likely heartbroken and that probably has Chris, her father, pissed off. You caused this, now fix it."

I hung up on Braxton and tossed my phone into my bunk. I slowly walked towards the front, hoping I wouldn't come face to face with death.

Chris was sitting on the couch just staring at the window. Likely in deep thought about killing my son, but at this point, I wouldn't blame him.

"Everything ok back there?" Ryan asked.

"Don't have kids," I said.

"So, little Braxton has a girlfriend?" Chris smiled, not looking away from the window.

Oh, fuck!

"I wasn't even aware of this."

"That was probably like a kick to the heart for Cassidee."

"Look, I'm sorry about-"

"Don't apologize, dude. They'll probably be mad at each other for a while, get over it and move on."

"Yeah, well, I'm making sure Braxton apologizes to Cassidee because she didn't deserve to get hurt like that by my son and that's not how I raised him."

I have the strangest feeling my son won't be doing that.

Do you guys think Braxton will apologize? Should he say sorry or not?

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now