Chapter 8

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Chappy 8 , il most likely upload 2-3 times a week. :)

Chapter 8

Maya’s POV

He stormed out of the room. And I already knew he was after Dustin. Chris cared about me a lot, but I wasn’t gonna let him do that. I raced out of the room and down the stairs to find him. I caught the side of him turning towards the game room. Not many people were normally in it. Just Dustin, Marcus and Jake. But they would know I’m his mate and I don’t want this going around the pack. But they probably already know. I ran as fast as I could, my blood pumping in my chest.

I reached out for him and caught his t-shirt as he stepped in the game room. He slammed the door behind us I tried to hold him back, but he was a full grown pack warrior and son of the alpha, he was stronger.  he pushed  me off and ran tackling Dustin.

I leaped into the air in time to catch his side, tackling him from the side. “Chris calm down, this isn’t your fight. It’s mine” I whispered to him. “your fight will always be mine.” He said turning to me looking a me with caring eyes. “then let’s get out of here, this isn’t how things are going to be between brothers.” I said. he didn’t release Dustin but just stared at him more hatefully. I still held onto Chris when Dustin decided to fight back and punch Chris in the face. I let go of Chris and pushed Dustin off him. I growled in a threatening way and stood in front of him “oh so now the little wolf has a new mate or something?” Dustin spat. That got me even madder and apparently so did Chris. His eyes blazed as he jumped on Dustin and took him down. Punching him in the face numerous times, Marcus and Jake quickly turned towards the fight and was ready to help Dustin but I took care of them. Kicking Jake  in the stomach and hit him upside his jaw. He turned to me and tried to lunge at me but I switched positions and tripped Marcus causing him to get in the way and Jake punching him in the face instead.

Chris and Dustin were still rolling around in a bloody mess on the floor and I was about to help before I was tackled from behind and kicked in my side. it’s a wonder how everyone managed to stay human. I used my two legs to push Jake off me and send him flying back into of them had there arm around my neck in a quick second. I held it and flipped whoever it was over on their back and straddled them punching them over and over, which turned out to be Marcus.  I elbowed him once more in the face and with that he slumped to the ground unconsciously. I knew Jake was coming at my side but I wasn’t quick enough to doge it. I was sent flying into the walls and i heard a crack and a sharp pain from my ribs. The bastard probably broke one. He kicked me in my side, right where the wolf bit me. I cried out in pain but did not go down. Red spots dotted my vision as adrenalin took over and I lunged for Jake, going for blood now.

Chris’s POV

I was far from done. I had Dustin pinned to the floor and I was punching him in the stomach. He wriggled from under me and snapped at my face, distracting me for a split second so he could turn me over so now he was on me. from the side of my vision I saw Marcus  on the floor in a bloody mess passed out unconscious. I laughed at how much damage that girl could do even know it was two Vs. one. I let out a laugh. Dustin growled and looked over in my direction at Marcus. He muttered something like “hell” or something and then began to kick my sides. I need him from behind knocking him off me, so we were now on our feet. I saw Jake lunge for Maya and send her flying into the wall. A crack filled my ears as she probably broke something, then he kicked Maya forcefully in the side right where her bite wound was. Blood soaked the side of her shirt as she cried out in pain. But she refused to acknowledge it as she lunged back for Jake. But before she could Dustin took her from the side sending her down with him on top of her. I walked over and kicked Jake’s legs from under him and kicked him in the face.  He groaned in pain and stayed down but didn’t pass out. I was here for Dustin not him so I left him there and walked over to Dustin who had Maya pinned. I didn’t do anything because I wanted to see his reaction. There was no way in hell he would hurt his mate. And if he did I would kill him. That didn’t mean I was giving him a chance but I was done for now. There was more coming. A lot more.

Dustin POV

I had her pinned under me but I couldn’t bring myself to hurt her anymore. He nose was bleeding and there was cuts and scratches on her face. The side of her t-shirt soaked with blood from the wound tht opened back up when Jake kicked her. I dug me knee into her side. she winced but didn’t cry out. I had her arms pinned above her head but her legs reached out to the side and kicked me off her. She got up and I took a good look at her. she was clutching her rib which was probably Brocken. She was limping a little on her right leg which was bleeding down from her knees. He arms had cute across them from  being thrown around into thing. But she took out both Marcus and Jake, they were both good fighters and they managed to do some damage but I couldn’t help but wince at the state of pain that she was probably in. Chris was standing at the other side of me looking mad as hell with a with his face in bruises in cuts but he made no move to attack me.

“Let’s go Chris” she said walking over to him, trying not to make her injures noticeable. He looked over at her and threw one of her arms over his shoulder helping her walk since it was obvious that she was hurt. He simply nodded and Calming down a little “but just so you know, I'm done with this pack. I refuse to be a part of something that practically killed you” he spat out looking over at us. Glaring at me before walking out .   He didn’t say anything more just gave me a cold stare and walked out with her.

I looked at my hand I had her blood on it and it made me sick. I hurt her more in her weakest spot. Her side, and I couldn’t help but stare at it. I hurt my mate. Her blood is on my hands and on me. and I caused it. I couldn’t move. What the hell just happened  and more importantly what is happening between Chris and her. I growled at the thought of them.

Maya’s POV

 I spat blood out from my mouth and looked over at Chris. “Thanks’ for everything Chris but I don’t wanna bring you into my mess; it’ll mess with your life.” I said “your mess is my mess and I don’t care it has already messed with your life which messes with mine. I'm with you.” He said looking at me with a hint of a smile.

. “and what do you mean you’re done with this pack?” I said eyeing him suspiciously  “I mean I going to find Jace and ask him if I can join your pack, I no longer want to be part of this pack” he said not looking at me. “I understand your reason, but don’t do this because of what they did to me, they’re your family they love you, plus your there pack warrior.” I said trying to get him not to understand me. he stopped walking completely “and what you’re not my family Maya? You mean more to me. you can’t tell me that you wouldn’t like me being in your pack. And for all I care they can find a new pack warrior.” He said his

I sighed and nodded. He was right. I preferred it this way too I just didn’t want to be selfish and take him away from his family eyes softening a little.

“And Maya you have to go to the pack doctor your ribs are most likely broken I heard them, your wound is split open again and you’re a bloody mess. You can barely walk.” He said

“I can’t. They’re going to ask question about how this all happened and I can’t let them know what went on in there, it’ll bring out the whole mate thing and problems between the packs. We don’t tell anyone about this deal?” I say “ok deal, if you agree to come back to my room so I can look at what the hell they did with you” he said. I nodded and followed him into his room. I took off my shirt and laid on the floor.

Chris’s POV

I grabbed a wet towel and some gauze. I cleaned up her side and rebadged it. I couldn’t tell if she had broken ribs or not but it sure seemed like it. Her leg had a big gash in it and I cleaned that too. She was good as new, just the cuts and bruises were still there.

We would go to the doctor tomorrow when her cuts and stuff had some time to heal. Even know she was a werewolf the big wounds would take some time. The little cuts and stuff would be gone in a day or two. I was still mad and I wasn’t done. But I have to delay it for Maya, she doesn’t want me putting myself into this, but it’s already too late for that. I cleaned myself up and got up. Maya could walk a little better now and you couldn’t tell she was limping unless you looked for it.

We walked down stairs and set out to find Jace. I was going to ask to join his pack.

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