Chapter 38

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it's a bit shorter becuase i wrote it today, so comment and vote please!!


Chapter 38

I pushed Chris out of my room and changed into a black bikini and put a baggy half top over it, with some baggy shorts. It wasn’t that cold out, so I guess I could manage?

I tied my hair back and ran outside the door and knocked loudly on Chris’s door before walking in. he was putting a shirt over his head when I walked it. “Ready?” I asked excitedly.  “yea, yea calm down” he said laughing at how excited I was over going to the beach. “give me that list of trackers you have, I’ll get someone Luke to call them up and get them here by 8 so we can discuss what we have to do” I nodded and walked back over to my room, grabbing the list and walking back over to him.

“ok so let’s go there for a couple hours then we can g4t back here and deal with that problem” I said rolling my eyes and tugging his arm. It was about a 30 minute drive to the beach so we needed to get moving. I dragged him along outside and jumped in my car, I haven’t used my car in a while. I got in the driver side as Chris got in the passenger side. “I'm going to try and make it in 20 minutes” I started the car and rolled out.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” Chris said warily. “don’t be stupid, of course it is!” I said happy again. I almost doubled the speed limit since there was no one else on the road, and of course in 20 minutes we were there. Well it took 21, but saving time was good. It was a sunny day out, perfect to do some swimming. It was already fall so soon it would start snowing and all. It was warm weather so I might as well use it right?

“let’s go slow poke” I grabbed my bag and towel and raced through the sand with a smile on my face. The sun was beating down on us as I dropped my stuff in a open  spot and took off y shorts then ran towards the water. I could hear Chris coming up from behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked my up and threw me over his shoulder, while laughing uncontrollably. I tipped sideways a little as we reached the beginning of the water. I tipped over a little more, causing him to tip over and lose his balance, falling into the water with me on top of him.

We both plunged into the water in a fit of laughter. The cold water soaked me from head to toe, and shocked me. I shot up from the water as fast as possible. It was freezing!

“You suck” I said pushing Chris back under while laughing. We continued splashing each other for like the next half an hour. “hey is there any fish here or anything?” I asked, I had a fun idea I just didn’t want little animals crawling over me as I swam. We were wolfs so we could take on practically anything in this sea.

“uh no not that I know of why?” he looked genuinely confused at my  question which made me smile brighter. “you got your watch on?” he had a water proof watch that he always wore and that would be perfect for this. He nodded his head while still looking at me a bit weird, “ok well let’s see who can get the farthest in a minute” I suggested.

With our speed and strength this would be fun. “Oh I can so beat you at this” he said with a smile forming on his face. “Well then I guess we’ll just have to see about that.” I cocked my head to the side and looked off in the distance; we would have to swim straight for it to be fair.

I and Chris were always competing in things, that was just the way we are, and it kept things interesting. “Ok call it” I said getting ready to beat his sorry ass. “Ready” he set his watch and was ready to click it. “Set go!” he said really fast before taking off. I expected that of Chris, so I made sure I was ready.

I dove off under water and kicked my legs as fast as they would go, I could see the blob of him towards me, we were practically even, but he would slow down eventually. I came up for a breath before him, giving him a little bit of a lead. I dove back under and forced myself faster while keeping an eye on him. When he came up for a breath then I had the opportunity to catch up to him more. I don’t know how long it had been, but I was starting to get tired and my muscles were starting to get soar from all the pushing. I could still feel the cold water pulsing in my face.

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