Chapter 76

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We arrive back at the apartment and see and unfamiliar car in the driveway; we decide to ignore it.

As we walk down the hallway we notice the door is cracked open.

"Alright you stand here and don't make a sound." Luke whispers to me; he creeks open the door and freezes.

"Luke?" I nudge is shoulder but he doesn't move.

"Mum?" His voice cracks as a tall women walks over to him; his whole body stiffens as she goes to caress his face.

"What are you doing here?" His voice is so small and I can hear the pain within it.

"I couldn't leave my baby, and what happened to your face?" Her voice is stern; but I can see there is a bigger reason of why she's here; and I'm sure we're going to find out.

"Nothing." He shrugs; they look at each other for a moment before Luke grabs her in his arms and hugs her so tight I can feel it; I know he loves his mother despite everything they've been through.

"I can't even remember how long it's been since I've gotten a hug from you." She looks a bit startled but pleased as well; Luke clears his throat and glances back at me, I smile which puts him at ease.

"Well I don't know why you guys are standing out there, this is your apartment." Luke takes my hand and brings me in the apartment; this mom looks a bit uncomfortable with me, I'm sure I don't look any better.

"I'm Liz, and you must be Abigail?" She asks as we take a seat on the sofa; I nod.

"Yes, but you can call me Abbey." Luke makes a grunting sound; I'm not sure why he doesn't call me Abbey.

"You must be doing some magic on my son; because I haven't got a hug from him since 1999." I want to laugh; but I don't think she's joking; I really want to know why Luke opened up so much to me and in such a short period of time.

Luke glances down at his hands; I haven't seen him nervous much in his life but it's kind of cute.

"Well I don't want to ramble on so I'll get right to the point." My stomach turns on what's coming next; I don't know Liz well but I can tell she's going to say something Luke isn't going to like just by her body language.

"So I was in England for a short period of time and I realized leaving you here with your psycho father wasn't the best idea." Luke tilts his head in agreement.

"Okay long story short I've come to take you with me." My eyes widen as I glare at her; a quiet gasp escapes Luke's lips. What? She can't take him away from me.

"Look I know it's rational but it doesn't make much sense for you to stay here with your dad and me not here to-." Luke interrupts her.

"With you not here to what? Protect me, see I'm sorry but have you missed the fact that you haven't protected me for all 17 years of my fucking life!" Luke's quiet demeanour has switched suddenly; and he's yelling full force at his mother.

"I know I haven't been the best mother Lucas but I'm trying to make it up to you."

"By moving across the fucking world leaving me with my mental father then realizing it wasn't the 'best' idea. I'm sorry but I can't really see how that's trying to be a better mother." The veins in his neck are exposed as he snaps at Liz; she doesn't look uneasy, she's probably used to Luke's outbursts.

"Lucas please calm down, I'm taking you to England with me whether you want to come or not." Luke glances at me; I try quiet not trying to intrude on them.

"You can't just come into my house and tell me you're taking me to a different fucking country!" Luke is now on his feet; he's swinging his arms around.

"The house is on the market for sale and all your things are packed-." Luke takes the vase off the table and whips it across the room; it shatters into a million pieces as it hits the brick wall.

I kind of liked that vase.

"I can do whatever I want Lucas I'm your mother." Luke bites his lip so hard I feel the pain.

"So when dad would drink so much he wouldn't remember where he was and when he hit me and touched me you didn't want to do anything about it?" His voice cracks; I place my hand on his back he jumps but doesn't move away.

"It's too late to try to be a mother." Luke growls; Liz glares at him with watery eyes.

"Lucas I'm trying here." She cries; I hate to say it but I don't feel any sympathy for her, when her son was suffering she did nothing, nothing at all.

"Don't. There is nothing you can do that will fix the past." Liz stands on her feet.

"I'm not coming with you Liz. I'm not leaving the only person in my life that loves me and has protected me since day one for someone who waited 17 years to try." Luke's tone is harsh making tears fall from Liz's eyes; she wipes them quickly and nods.

"Well all your things are in my car; I'll get the doorman to bring them up and I'll be off to England tomorrow morning." Her voice is shaky as is her body; Luke lets out a huge sigh.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better mother to you Lucas." She walks over to me; I stand on my feet.

"Please take care of my baby the way I couldn't." Her cheeks are laced with a sheet of tears; I nod while trying to hold back my own.

"I love you Lucas." She whispers as she leaves the apartment; without a hug, kiss or goodbye.

I stand in silence trying to let Luke take it all in.

"That was a bit harsh no?" I ask hesitantly; Luke's eyes snap to me, maybe saying anything was too soon.

"A bit harsh? No a bit harsh is letting a 4 year old be beaten and raped by someone he thought loved him and could never do any wrong!" The anger Luke has been holding in the last week is finally coming out; in full force all at once.

"Luke I'm not saying that was okay but she's still your mother; you don't think you weren't a bit cold to her?" I know I should drop the subject but he needs to know that at the end of the day Liz will always be his mother; and despite the past she is trying to make things better.

"So what the fuck you're on her side now?"

"No Luke but you're not getting the point, she's still your mother and all she's trying to do is clear her conscience." He goes to grab a decorative ceramic plate off the coffee.

"Luke stop!" I yell while trying to take the plate from him hands.

"Why you're on her side anyway, and soon everyone is going to be and I'm going to end up alone once again-." I interrupt his as he slams the plate back down on the table.

"Would you stop with this 'in going to end up alone' bullshit? Do you think that if I wanted to leave you I would have done it by now?" Luke's anger filled eyes meet mine; he rubs his temple and takes his lip ring under his teeth.

"Maybe I should just go-."

"Go where?"

"Go with my mum to England, I won't be a burden to you anymore-."

"Luke shut up."

"Why? We fight all the time, Ashton likes you anyway-." I interrupt him by clashing my lips into his; he stumbles back on his heels from my force.

"Abigail-." He breathes into my mouth.

"Stop talking." I whisper onto his lips; he grabs my bottom and lifts me on his hips, my legs wrap around his waist.

"I'm sorry I ever contemplated leaving you." He sighs into the crook of my neck; my fingers run through his blonde hair, he lets my body gently fall onto the bed and moves himself in between my legs, then all of a sudden the door knocks.

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