Chapter II

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“Get up Abbey we’re here!” My mom says excitedly while shaking my body.

 I feel all my muscles tense and my neck ace as I try to lift it off the seat of the car. She walks over to my car door and swings it open, I feel a ray of heat and light touch my body, and a whip of wind brings a bunch of sand to my nose. I sit up coughing and sneezing like a psycho person.

Adam starts to laugh at me having a sneeze attack.

“Oh sorry Love, I didn’t expect the wind to do that.” She says trying to cover her laughter.

“Yeah all of you laugh while I inhale a bunch of sand, in which will start coming out of my eye sockets in two seconds.”

Adam cringes at my description.

 I wipe my eyes and search for my glasses; I put them on and gasp.

 “Wow, it’s- it’s so beautiful.” I stumble on my words as a tall pale, blonde boy with tattoos covering his arms, most of his chest and partial parts of his neck with a lip and eyebrow piercing, long boards down the road.

May I add, shirtless.

 It feels like everything around me slows down as he skates down the street. My mom realizes what I’m gazing at and yells,

 “ABIGAIL, we’ve been here for all of 2 minutes and you’re already drawling over troublemakers!”

 I think the boy heard, because he turned around and caught my gaze; I drop my head behind the seat of the car.

“Whoa, that was really subtle.” I tell myself under my breathe.

Mom disappears into the new house with a bunch of boxes.

“Um Abbey?” Adam whispers while walking over to the car.

“I think he’s coming back.” With that, I fling myself into the backseat of the car and hide under my duffle bags.

The blonde boy skates up behind our car.

“He’s gone.” Adam whispers.

I throw my duffle bags on the car floor and slowly peak out the window. The blonde boy kick flips his board and walks up to the next door neighbour’s house. He doesn’t stand there for more than a second before a skinny blonde girl runs out and jumps on him, she wraps her legs around his waist and he holds her up with one arm. She releases her grip, stands on the ground and kisses him. They have a mini make out session, which almost makes my brother throw up. I laugh at him being so childish, but then I realise I’m the one in the backseat of a car spying on a guy I don’t even know.

“ABIGAIL, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND HELP ME UNPACK.”  Mother yells from the house.

The blonde boy and the girl look over to the house, and I slowly peel myself out from under my bags and out of the backseat. Their eyes pierce my skin as I climb out of the car. The boy rolls his eyes as what I think is his girlfriend runs over to me, and gives me a hug.

I just stand there with my arms to my sides dumbfounded; he smirks a bit at my hostility. She smells like peaches and lavender and her soft blonde hair touches my face, it tickles a bit, and I feel a sneeze coming on, but she lets go.

She grabs the upper part of both of my arms.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to get here!” She boasts excitedly.

“C’mon Melissa, are we seriously doing this?” The boy yells, and sighs, while rubbing his forehead.

I can’t help but notice how big his hands are, and how perfectly pale he is. But how is he so pale if he lives in Australia, and long boards around half naked all the time?

“Ugh, don’t mind him; he’s a bit of an ass.” Melissa smiles, her green eyes are vibrant and sparkle in the light.

“Um, that’s quite okay, sorry if I seem a bit squeamish but, how did you know I was moving here?” I ask timidly, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

She finally releases her grip on my arms; I can feel my blood continue to circulate again. She looks to the ground and puts her hands in her thin, narrow waist.

“I knew you were coming because I’m head of the welcoming committee at Reamers High School.” She tried to speak as quiet as possible.

I don’t know why I mean, why would she be ashamed of that, and why would she try to hide it?

The boy sighs again and puts his board down as if he’s about to ride off.

“Really Mel, do you have to go around telling every living soul that you’re the geek of the school?”  His accent makes it hard for him to understand, and to pronounce some words, but it’s cute.

Melissa takes her thin hand and brings it to her forehead.

“Oh would you shut up Luke?!” She yells.

I bring my eyes to the ground and notion Adam to go inside, he wrinkles his eyebrows as if he was enjoying the show. But I don’t know these people, and I don’t want him to see or hear something he shouldn’t.

Luke takes his hand and runs his fingers threw his hair, pushing it back out of his face.

“You know what Melissa; if you want to act like a bitch, I’ll just fuck off.” He lowers his voice after noticing I sent Adam inside after things started to get loud.

“Well I’m not apologizing this time Luke.” Melissa whines and turns to face him.

His hard blue eyes turn soft and his voice lowers.

“Then don’t, and just come with me.” He notions to Melissa to come and holds his hand out for her.

Her cheeks turn a light flush pink colour, and she swivels back towards to me.

“Sorry to cut this short love, but my amazing boyfriend is calling for me, talk later?” She asks, I can hear the eagerness in her voice.

I really don’t want to, but I don’t want to be rude, so I plaster a fake smile on my face.

“For sure.” I lie, trying to sound as excited as humanly possible.

She gives me a warm smile and one last hug before she runs off to her boyfriend. Her hugs are awkward because I just stand there with my arms plastered to my sides.

I watch as she slowly steps onto Luke’s long board, and he warps his right arms fully around her waist and takes his long left leg and pushes it off the ground and with that they rode off.

Forbidden ~ Luke Hemmings FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now