Chapter X

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Ashton and I played around in the water; splashing each other, building sand castles and other childish things. I did start off in his over-sized t-shirt but now I find myself only in my bathing suit.

The tide is rolling in, and we run to our beach towels which lay on the hot sand.

Ashton lies down and looks at his watch.

“Shit, its 6:30.” My eyes widen at the sound of him cursing; and how the words twist around his hard accent.

“Ugh, I don’t want to go home, this is so much fun!” I whine and Ashton laughs at me.

“So you had a good time?” He asks sounding completely interested in my answer, I nod which makes his smile grow bigger.

“I should get you home though, I wouldn’t want your mom to worry.” He says while standing up and putting his towel in his bag.

“Yeah I guess you’re right.” I frown, and go to put his shirt on again.

He looks at me funny.

“I just want to wear it home, so I don’t have to walk around half naked.” I explain.

“Okay, that’s fine. Just don’t start getting self-conscious on me again.” He teases, and I laugh.

“I won’t.”

We pack up our towels and make our way back to my house. The sun is setting in a hot orange colour. I can’t believe the beauty of this country.

We reach my house and Ashton stands awkwardly in the driveway. I am a bit confused by his actions but he just stands there with his bag draped over his shoulder and his hands in his pockets.

“Luke stop!” We hear someone laugh from across the street.

I look and see Melissa and Luke.

“I’m going to puke.” I mumble to Ashton; causing him to laugh.

I see Luke’s tall figure appear from Melissa’s backyard; he’s chasing her. He catches her and starts to tickle her. Are you kidding me; they’re back together all ready? Why the hell would Luke make such a big deal of it then if he knew they were just going to get together again, these people make my brain hurt.

I try to pull Ashton’s shirt off of my body before Luke can notice I’m here, but as soon as I lift the shirt off of my body I feel his eyes on me; as well as Ashton’s.

I quickly wrap the towel around my body and give Ashton’s shirt back to him.

“Is she seriously hanging out with that loser?” I hear Melissa snicker from across the street. I hear and see Luke laugh.

“I know right.” He nods his head; still laughing.

I feel anger wash over my body as I clench my fists, I feel Ashton touch my shoulder.

“You don’t want to do this.” He whispers in my ear.

“What I really want to do is go over there and plant my first in her teeth.” Ashton laughs at me.

“You think this is funny, she’s over their mocking you!” I say a lot louder then I planned; Melissa’s eyes dart over to me.

“No, no I just- you’re cute when you’re angry.”

“Ashton this is not a joke, how can you take people being rude to you so easily?” His happy expression disappears; and he frowns down on me.

“I’m used to it, I’ve lived in the same place my whole life; same people, same neighborhood. After a while the teasing and mocking becomes a way of life.” I feel my heart break hearing that Ashton has always been treated poorly, and what I take from that, it’s been Luke the whole time too.

I shake away from Ashton’s grasp as a furiously march over to Luke.

“How dear you treat him so poorly!” I feel Melissa’s eyes pierce my skin; but I don’t care, I’m sticking up for Ashton he is all I have here and I will not let him get walked on.

“Whoa, calm down there, I didn’t say anything.” Luke says trying to hide his laughter.

“You’re a real ass, you know that?” I snap at him

“Hey! Don’t talk to him like that!” Melissa whines.

I really don’t want to hear her shit right now.

“You know what, I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time even trying to talk to you; you never listen.” I spit and walk away.

I feel Luke’s eyes on me as I walk away.

“What the hell was what?” Melissa asks Luke in a desperate tone to get his attention, but he doesn’t answer her and keeps his eyes on me.

“Well this is a great way to end a happy evening.” Ashton jokes while fake smiling.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t like the way they treat you.” My voice is soft. Ashton looks down to me and touched my arm.

“Why do you care so much?”

Is he seriously asking me this right now; how could he not care?

“I care so much because you’re my friend, and you’re all I have here; I’m not going to let you get walked on by jerks like them.” Ashton’s smile falls at my use of the word “friend”.

“Friend eh.” He mumbles under his breathe; I pretend I didn’t hear him.

I lean into his body and give him a big hug; I feel his heart racing against my chest and the warmth of his body transfer onto mine. My skin doesn’t tingle from his touch like it does from Luke’s.

“Goodnight Ash, thank you for an amazing day.” He leans farther into my shoulder; and I see Luke’s fists clench and his jaw buckle. What’s his problem?

“Goodnight Abbey and you’re welcome.” He says pulling away from my grasp; he looks happy again; I love happy Ashton.

I watch Luke as he keeps his eyes on Ashton as he walks away; making sure he doesn’t try to do something to him. Melissa is nowhere in sight. After I see Ashton’s figure disappear I walk towards my door.

“Abbey!” I hear Luke call from behind me.

I want to punch him in the face when he calls me that. What could he possibly want to apologize for freaking out on me for breaking up Melissa and his perfect relationship that they got back together in anyway?

“Why do you keep talking to me? I snap before he can say anything.

He raises his left eye brow; lifting his piercing too.

“Why not?” He smiles.

“Uh, because you don’t like the people I hang out with, you said I dress like a man and you’re constantly yelling at me.” I breathe.

“That’s doesn’t mean I don’t like you.” He says with his head tilted to the ground.

“You can’t treat my friend’s like dirt and expect me to like you.” I snap; I feel like I’m being too hard on him, but he’s getting on my last nerve.

“I wasn’t expecting anything.” He snaps back into his rude state.

“Good!” I yell as I open my door and slam it in his face.

My whole body drags down the door until I’m sitting on the cold wood floor. I sit there until I hear him get on his skateboard and ride off.

I’ve never been so man at anyone before, and I don’t know why I’m so mad at him. Maybe it’s because he’s rude to my only friend and calls my clothes men clothes; but normally I would brush that stuff off; but I hold on to every little thing he says, and I don’t know why.

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