Chapter 94

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Roman and I take a taxi to the hotel. We get to the hotel, I change out of my Shield gear, and collapse on the bed. I sigh and lean on Roman. He wraps an arm around me.

Thank God you're okay, Mickey. What was it like when you woke up? When did you wake up?

A week ago. They only just let me out yesterday. What was it like? It was like...being born again. Before I woke up I saw a white light....but I heard a voice say, "It is not yet your time, child. You are destined to survive this. And survive this you shall says I, The Lord." And then I woke up gasping. They had to take the tube out of my throat and then they started asking me all kinds of questions....who am i? do I know where I am? Do I know what happened? Do I know what year it is? Then the next few days I had to get re-accustomed to eating and walking on my own without help. I told them not to update y'all because it would ruin the surprise.

Did the doctors say anything before releasing you?

Yeah, Dr. Benton; the one who saw you the night I was admitted told me I should probably stay away from random pitchers of lemonade for a while.

Roman started laughing. All of a sudden my phone rings, I check it and it's a text message....from Rollins. I don't want Roman to see it so I turn my phone away, "so, I heard you survived you little cunt. Shoulda put more rat poison in your drink. Tell me, was it tasty? Guess I'll have to try something else more effective next time. And don't worry, there WILL be a next time. And a next time after that, until you're no longer living. I'll stop when you're in a casket being lowered into the ground. *kisses*- Seth" I start growling. Roman looks at me funny.

What's wrong?

Nothing. Nothing.

He looks at me suspiciously. He sees my phone is out.

(in a warningly tone)
Mickey. What's going on? You better tell me

I try to distract him by kissing his neck.

Nothing, let's just enjoy one another's company.

Roman pushes me off him and grabs my phone. He unlocks it and reads the text. I see his facial expression go from angry, to livid, to INSANELY pissed off.


(I climb on top of him)
Roman, baby, look at me, (he looks at me still breathing hard and fast) relax. I just want to be with you, put my phone down, put him out of your mind, and let's make up for lost time. Okay? Please. For me?

Roman's face softens and he kisses me. Lacing our fingers together. He pushes me under him and starts taking his gear off.

I'm showing Dean that text.

(covering his mouth)
Shut up.

He strips his top off and I stare at his body. I get goosebumps. He smirks and takes my hands and runs them up and down his chest. I shudder

Impressed? Turned on?

Oh God, both.

Good. Let's see how badly you want me.

He starts biting my neck. I start lightly gasping and gripping the sheets.

Oh yeah, I forgot, you like being held down.

And with that my wrists are pinned down to the mattress. After a while he gets tired of teasing me and we crawl under the sheets and do it. He's gentle this time around (which I really do like) I still shout his name and arch my back. He grins.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ