Chapter 88

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==Dean Ambrose and Mickey Michaels vs. Brie and Dolph==

Roman is squeezing my shoulders over and over while he has me standing in front of a mirror with me behind him. I have my game face on.

You are ruthless.

I am ruthless.

You are our prodigy and the meanest woman in this company.

I am your prodigy and the meanest woman in this company.

The words, "I give up, STOP!" are no longer a part of your dictionary.

The words, "I give up, STOP!" are no longer a part of my dictionary.

You will go out there, represent The Shield, and show the world just who we made you into.

I will go out there, represent The Shield, and show the world just who you made me into.

He pats my shoulders.

You're ready.

Yes, I am.

Dean walks over to us. He looks at me in the mirror and I look at him

Ready to show the world what the new you is made of?


Let's go.

Roman kisses me.

Make me proud.

Oh, I intend on it.

C'mon. Now.

I trail behind Dean as we walk to our position. We hear Dolph and Brie's songs come on. I bounce up and down a little. Dean ruffles my hair.

You're gonna do great.

Yes I will.

That's my girl.

Then: "Sierra, Hotel , India , Echo , Lima, Delta, The Shield" then the music starts. Dean looks back at me and smirks.

Let's do this.

We walk down the aisle. This time, I jump the barricade myself and get in the ring. Dolph smiles at me—I glare at him, smiling evilly. Dean pulls me back.

I know you're amped up, but you're going second.

Yes sir.

I exit the ring and stand on the apron. The bell rings and Dean unloads on Dolph. He punches Dolph over and over and for a while it's just the men fighting until he tags me in. I smirk and get in. Dolph tags Brie in. I immediately hoist her on my shoulders and F5 her. She screams in pain and begs me to stop. I crack my knuckles and grab her by her hair. I drive my knee into her back six times and pin her. She kicks out at 2. I stand over her shaking my head.

You shouldn't have done that.


(with a sick smile on my face)
I'm sorry, I don't know the meaning of that word.

I look at Dean who smugly grins. I get Brie up and superkick her, and then put her in an anaconda vice. She screams and taps and the bell is rung. I keep her in it until Dean pulls me off of her; and raises my hand. The girl that announces the matches says, "Here are your winners: Dean Ambrose and Mickey Michaels; THE SHIELD!" Dean and I lightly hug and exit the ring and go through the stands. We get back to our locker room and Roman sees me. Dean closes the door. Roman walks up to me slowly with a serious expression on his face. Nervously, I back up....right into Dean. Roman gets as close to me as possible and then grins like crazy; lifting me up and hugging me.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now