Chapter Five- Far Away

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=An Hour Later=

“Michelle, get up.” I hear Uncle Hunter say while I am being lightly shaken awake. I groan, “C’mon, we’re at the airport.” He says, I look around and sure enough; we have arrived at the San Antonio International Airport. We get out, grab my suitcases, and check our bags into our flight’s baggage check. We go through security next, and get to the terminal where our plane is. When they start boarding, Uncle Hunter grabs my hand.

Uncle Hunter:
This is it, kid. Say “goodbye” to San Antonio for a while. Denver here we come!

Goodbye, home. I’ll miss you.

Uncle Hunter and I give Aunt Stephanie a hug goodbye. (she’s not coming with us)We proceed with walking to the plane. Once I step on that plane I realize just how lucky I am to have this opportunity. I take my seat and when the flight attendant asks me for my drink I ask for Jack and Coke. Uncle Hunter sits next to me.

Uncle Hunter:
I’m so proud of my little…, I mean: I’m so proud of my big adult god-daughter. You and I are going to have so much fun together…doing this.

I’m excited. I’d be scared out of my mind if I was doing this solo.

Uncle Hunter:
I would never even let that be an option. Only when I know in my heart that you can do this without me, will I leave you. Once you have friends—you won’t need me around. Your friends will take care of you.

I inhale and exhale, and take out my phone. I look at my wallpaper on my screen (my mom, dad, Cheyenne, and Cameron) and a tear or two comes flowing down my face.

Uncle Hunter:
Hey, kiddo, look at me: (I look over to him) they may not be here for you, But you know that I am. And Michelle, I know that you are strong enough to do this. And you won’t need me after a while. But don’t cry, because both your blood family and your god-family could not be more proud of you in this moment. You are going to go on to accomplish amazing things, and you are going to make yourself a star. And I am not just saying this because you are my god-child, and I am your uncle. I know what you are capable of, and soon enough—you will know it too. Now, stop with the tears. Cm’here.

He pulls out a Kleenex and dries my face. All of a sudden, a dinging noise comes on and the intercom from the cockpit is broadcasted throughout the plane.

Good morning flyers, this is your Captain speaking. We have clear and sunny skies this morning as we prepare to depart to our destination in Denver, Colorado. The time right now is 12:15 pm, we have a two hour and twenty one minute flight to our destination. At this time I will ask you to either turn off, or put into airplane mode all electronic devices. We are cleared to enter the runway, so please buckle all your seatbelts, put your seats in the upright position, put all tray tables up, and enjoy the flight. Thank you for flying United Airlines. All flight attendants please prepare for takeoff.

I watch as we go down the runway. As we begin to lift off the ground, I grab Uncle Hunter’s hand; (because on planes takeoff, landing, and turbulence always makes me nervous) he lightly pats my hand and ruffles my hair. I look out the window, catching a glance of my San Antonio home for the last time for quite possibly months and months. Knowing that (even though Uncle Hunter is going to be there for me) I am really on my own now, without daddy here to be with me every step of the way is a true reality slap in the face. Uncle Hunter puts his hand on mine and hugs my head.

Uncle Hunter:
You’ll be fine, hon. (pauses) OH YEAHH, I got you something.

Uncle Hunter, you didn’t have to get me anyth-

Uncle Hunter:
I wanted to. This is a special occasion; it’s not every day your god-daughter becomes a diva.

He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a long, navy, rectangular jewelry box. He hands it to me

Uncle Hunter:
Consider this my way of saying “I’m proud of you.”….

I open the box and my eyes go wide; inside is a ruby and diamond bracelet with a little WWE logo charm set in the center.

Oh my God, Uncle Hunter, are those-

Uncle Hunter:
Diamonds? Yes? I figured the $9000 this cost was well worth it. You deserve something special to commemorate this day.

I can’t—I—thank you!

I kiss his cheek, he puts the bracelet on me; a perfect fit, I look at it; admiring the beauty.

Uncle Hunter:
A beautiful bracelet for an even more beautiful young woman.

 The rest of the flight we just talk about the WWE. I guess we don’t even realize that we talked the entire time, because the flight attendant has to come over and ask us to return our seats to their upright position.


We have reached our destination; The Denver International Airport. I’d like to welcome all of you at this time, to Denver, Colorado. Please be cautious of the overhead bins, as some items may have shifted during the flight. The time is 2:40 pm. Thank you again for flying United Airlines. 

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