Chapter 75

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We watch as Mania unfolds. I cheer when Uncle Hunter beats Sting. Seth waits until the opportune moment and cashes in, becoming the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I come out applauding him. He kisses me on the grandest stage of them all. I raise his hand and he squeezes my butt. We put our arms around one another and walk through the curtain. I jump on him and kiss him again. He smirks.

My man, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion!

That's me, baby.

Uncle Hunter:
Congratulations. That panned out perfectly. (to me) Hey baby.

(I hug Uncle Hunter)
Hi Uncle Hunter.

Uncle Hunter:
I want you two to enjoy this night. (tosses Seth a room key) go celebrate with your girl. Presidential suite. On me.

(Bro hugs him)
Thanks. You do realize that I'm going to be 'celebrating' with your God-daughter?

Uncle Hunter:
(hands him condoms)
safety first, champ. Go have fun. (to me) you too.

Thank you, sir.

Uncle Hunter:
see you tomorrow night. Love you baby.

Oh, I love you too, sweetheart.

Uncle Hunter:
(smiling and rolling his eyes)
I meant my other child, smartass. Now go on, Git!

We get to the room and Colby and I hit the mini-bar. I get really drunk and he takes advantage (which I have no problem with) We end up having sex half the night and most of the morning (which he didn't bother to use condoms....oh well) and the rest of the day until RAW we spend messing around. 6:30 pm rolls around and we roll into the venue in the company limo after being up all night. Colby gets out first and then I do. Uncle Hunter greets us. We all talk; with the mention of how fun last night was. Seth and I just cuddle on the couch until Brock comes out demanding a re-match. "Let's go." He says; grabbing his title. We walk to the curtain and hear Seth's music hit. We walk out. I stand by Seth's side looking at Paul and Brock laughing at the fact Brock lost. Brock narrows his eyes at me.

You know, I just spoke to Stephanie McMahon before I came out here, and I, I'm feeling kinda jetlagged to be honest, and my foot kinda hurts a little bit from curb stomping you and Roman Reigns last night so---

I crack up laughing. Brock glares at him.

I'm a fighting champion, and I'm going to give you your re-match......just......not tonight (laughs while wrapping his arm around me) I'm gonna go back to the hotel, and nail your ex-wife on every piece of furniture in every room of that suite....and the floor....and in the shower and also the tub. And since I don't hit her or hospitalize her, whatcha wanna bet she won't be screaming my name all night long? I mean, she already does that...every night in fact since she left you, but now that I'm a champion....she's a lot more willing to lay down for a man with gold around his waist....and below his waist....just like she laid down for me before I went out to the ring last night and ended that title reign you had. (smirks) That was fun, wasn't it Lesnar? You've lost your championship and your woman....and the ironic thing is BOTH of those belong to me now.


I see Brock rolling out of the ring. Seth instructs me to run to his room. I take off as I watch Brock attack Seth. I almost go to help him, but realize who is attacking him and I run. Uncle Hunter is in Seth's room when I get there. He hugs my head.

Uncle Hunter:
Everything okay with you? Lesnar didn't touch you did he?

No, Uncle Hunter, I'm okay. I'm just worried about Seth.

Seth busts through the room panting.

Oh, thank God!

Uncle Hunter:
You good, champ?

Seth wraps an arm around me.

Yeah, yah I'm okay. I'm good.

Uncle Hunter:
Why don't you two take the rest of the night off?

You sure?

Uncle Hunter:
100% go relax, you've had a trying last 24 hours.

We go back to the hotel. Seth pulls himself on top of me and we start making out, which lead to him stripping me of all of my clothes aside from my lingerie and then he began teasing me

No teasing, please.

I wanna hear you beg more. I think I will tease you more.

Just do me, champ!

I'm sorry, what was that?

Do me, Seth. Please!

There's one request I won't deny.

He rips my clothes off. I take off his shirt and start kissing his chest. He lays me down...

I wake up and go to the gym. While I'm there I run into Roman and Dean. We get to talking and joking around a lot, which kills a lot of time. 14983�?q��O�

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now