Chapter 63

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Then, my Skype app on my phone goes off. I answer it. Nick and Colby are on the other end..

Hey, girl. Where are you?

About 40,000 feet over Regina, Canada.

Where are you headed?

Six Flags over Georgia. Brock wanted to take me somewhere special, and that was the first thing that popped into my head.

It's not open until 8 am.

The flight takes almost six hours.

Ah, right.

I never got a chance to congratulate the two of you on a great show on Monday. You really sold the rivalry.

Thanks Nicky.

I think the tears was the best part of that whole storyline. She sold the storyline perfectly by crying.

I agree. What's next with the storyline?

Col and I haven't talked about it yet.

You got some time to talk about it now?


Colby, Brock, Nick and I talk on Skype for a good 90 minutes. I hang up on Skype when the pilot announces we need to be off the WiFi on our smartphones because we will be landing within the hour. I put my phone on airplane mode and pull out a book and read until we land. Security at the airport asks to see our ID, so I show them both my passport and my Texas driver's license...and Brock shows them his passport and Canadian driver's license. Once we're cleared, we head to the front of the airport to wait on our limo. We check the time 6:05am. The ride to Six Flags will take a good hour to 90 minutes, so we are making good time. A white limo pulls up and the driver holds out the sign "Lesnar" we get into the limo and take off. Inside the limo is a full bar, but I know better than to drink when I'm about to get flipped upside-down and backwards and up and down. Brock on the other hand, doesn't give a shit and cracks open a beer.

You're gonna make yourself sick, you know.

One beer isn't going to do anything to me. It takes three twelve packs to get me drunk—one little beer ain't gonna affect me.

(as I open up a Ginger Ale)
If you say so. You ain't sitting next to me on The Ninja or Batman ride. I don't need you ralphing on me when we get flipped upside down.

Suit yourself.

I watch the Atlanta Skyline pass as we drive through downtown. I just watch what we pass until we get to the gate to Six Flags/ White Water Over Georgia. By the time we get there its 7:30 and there's no line. So, we stand by the gate until the gates open. Once we get through, we go to the Flash Pass booth on Main Street and get our Platinum Flash Passes--$170. Brock and I decide to go for the Batman ride first. We have our passes scanned and are told it will be a 5 minute wait. We get to the front of the line. I sit in the front, and Brock sits behind me. The platform lowers and the track takes us up. I wait and wait until we are at the top, and we drop down and loop around. "WHOOO!" I scream. The ride ends and the protective harness is released. Brock gets off and looks at me,

What? I'm going again.

Have fun, I'll be waiting by the exit.

Suit yourself.

The ride goes again. I get off and we walk around. We see the ring booth (where you can get a ring personalized) and Brock and I decide to get matching rings. We walk up to the booth and the booth's manager's eyes widen.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now