Chapter Eleven- T-minus ___ hours.

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Once I walked in the bedroom, Uncle Hunter was sitting on the couch, champagne in hand, with a cocky smirk on his face. I walk in and set my purse down, he gives me ‘the look’ again.

Before you even start, nothing happened. He didn’t even try to kiss me. He says he wants to be one of my best friends one day.

Uncle Hunter:
(nonchalantly surprised)
Huh, I was sure he was gonna try something. (pauses) well played, Orton. Well played.

Randy’s a classy, gentlemanlike, respectful, sweet man. I am thankful you introduced us. He rented out the whole restaurant for us, so we could get to know each other and talk and have dinner without interruptions from fans.

Uncle Hunter:
REALLY NOW?? Well, kudos to him. That kid is smart. (clears his throat) alright, here’s what’s going to happen tomorrow: we are going to get to the arena by 2pm. You will rehearse with John your segments, and then it will be off to a private room where all the superstars will welcome you to the WWE. Then, you will be given a tour of the arena once more so you know where to go. After that, you will be free to do pretty much whatever you want until the show starts. Got it?

(salutes him)
Aye, Aye, Captain!

Uncle Hunter:
Good girl. Go on and get undressed and get some shut-eye, lady bug.

I go change into my pajamas. I read my Bible verse for the day, and then turn in. Uncle Hunter wakes me up around noon to get ready to head to the arena. After having him pick out an outfit for me to wear, I change and do my make-up. I straighten my hair last, but can’t seem to get the back.

Uncle Hunter, can you come in here?? I need your help!

He walks in while he is finishing up with tying his tie.

Uncle Hunter:
What’s wrong, bud?

I can’t straighten the back of my hair, can you help me?

Uncle Hunter:
What makes you think I know the first thing about straighteners?

You had hippie hair for well over a decade, and there is no possible way that your hair was that straight naturally.

Uncle Hunter:
Touché, touché. Okay, I’ll help you. But I’m not going to rush; I don’t want to burn you.

I nod. It takes him about thirty minutes, but he gets it. We wrap up things and get in the limo that’s waiting for us in the front of the hotel. We drive straight to the arena, where John and I start practicing immediately. We have to do a few takes, but we end up hitting the nail on the head. All the practicing has gone pretty well for me so far. (I might not even need Uncle Hunter’s help soon).I hang with Nick (a.k.a.Dolph Ziggler) until it comes time for my party. Nick and I have become really close really quick. He’s like the big brother I’ve always wanted. He’s really the sweetest guy in the world; (and if I had my pick of which superstar I would rather be paired up with…even like as a couple, it’d be him. He makes me actually feel important. And Randy—he’s such a charmer. That smile alone could woo any woman’s panties off…but not mine. No, our date was between two friends. Randy already told me he wants to be one of my best friends…and even though we work for two different brands, and we will not see one another very often, we have decided to talk every day. And I’m happy with that. I’m glad I have men like John, Nick, and Randy already as my friends…I can sense a great friendship between each of them and I.

 Four o’clock rolls around and it’s time for my party. John escorts me to the men’s locker room where there’s a cake shaped like the company logo, streamers, a candle on the cake, presents, and snacks. Everyone sees me walk in and shouts “Welcome to the WWE, Michelle!” I smile and nervously blush. John takes me over to the cake.

It may not be your birthday, but it’s your debut day—and we like to show our diva’s that we appreciate them…so make a wish that you really want to come true now that you are working here…and blow out the candle.

I think long and hard about what I want more than anything while I am working here. “a man would be nice.” Comes to my mind. “Yeah, a man. Let’s go with that.” I concur. “I wish that I would find a man that truly loves me and will make me the happiest woman in the world.” I wish before blowing out the candle. Everyone claps and we cut the cake and distribute it to everyone. I make small talk with my new co-workers; looking around to see who’s here. I see Randy—and he sees me. He waves at me, and I do the same to him. Paul (The Big Show) walks up to me and hands me a box about the size of the palm of my hand.

I’ve known your daddy a long, LONG, time. And he is and still to this day is…a very nice guy, a wonderful man, and a wonderful father to you kids. And I have watched you grow from a little girl, into a beautiful young woman. I’m friends with your father, your mother, your uncle Hunter…now; I am hoping that I can also be friends with you.

Of course, any friend of my father’s is a friend of mine. And daddy told me wonderful things about you. I would be honoured to be your friend.

Fantastic! (he kneels down and gives me a hug and lightly shakes my hand. He rises back up.) I thought you might like these. I know it’s not much, but I wanted to get you a welcoming gift.

You didn’t have to get me anything, sir. Just your friendship is enough.

I know, but you’re Shawn’s girl—what can I say?

I open the box. Inside are “HBK” earrings. Earrings that have the letters HBK. I close the box and hug Big Show.

These are amazing! Where did you find them?

You know, around.

I’m wearing them tonight. For good luck.

That would be so sweet of you. I’m glad you like them.

I love them! (I put them on)

They look beautiful on you, I wish you the best of luck on your first night. And don’t get nervous—we are all here to support you.

Thank you so much. Each and every one of you are so kind.

I see Uncle Hunter. He motions for me to come to the back of the locker room. He props his arm around me, and holds up his glass of wine.

Uncle Hunter:
I think I speak for everyone, when I say this: (to me) babygirl, you are pretty, you are smart and talented, and you can light up a room just with your smile. And I am excited for this new chapter in your life. All of us are excited to have you on board. So enjoy it, bask in it, and don’t let it overwhelm you. Happy debut day, Mickey. I love you.

(raising their glasses)

(confusedly to Paul)
“Happy Debut Day”??

Yeah, today is your first day on camera….so this is your Debut day.

Ohhhh! Okay, I gotcha.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now