Chapter Nine- An Intimate Discussion With The Beast Incarnate

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 I open the door and see Uncle Hunter on the phone.

Uncle Hunter:
Well then, tell Aurora that I said “no”, and that she can’t have it back until I get home in a week……I don’t care, Stephanie—the child cannot just go in our room and paint on our walls……I know she’s just a child, but at six years old, she should know better… I said, tell her “daddy said no”, and end the conversation…..right…..I know, I know……yeah…..okay, honey. Listen, Mickey’s here, I gotta go. Alright?.....I love you too, see you in seven days….uh huh, bye. (hangs up the phone)

Trouble at home?

Uncle Hunter:
(sighs frustratedly)
Aurora decided to grab paint, and draw on our walls. So, I took her iPhone away.

You know what the whole root of this whole problem is, right?

Uncle Hunter:
Enlighten me.

She six years old, and you gave her an iPhone. I didn’t get a phone until I was sixteen, and it wasn’t no fancy schmancy phone like everyone else my age got. No, Mom and Dad gave me a shitty flip phone on purpose, so that I wouldn’t have a phone I would pay more attention to than my friends. You ought to just not let her have a phone till she’s in her teen years. Follow my daddy’s example, you know?

Uncle Hunter:
Did Shawn at least let you text on it?

Nope, for calls to Mom and Dad and the family, and emergency calls only.

Uncle Hunter:
That is a good idea. I’ll make that suggestion to Steph when I head home in a week.

“head home”?? But…but…but I need you.

Uncle Hunter:
As long as you stick with John, stay away from Brock Lesnar, and hang around the guys I introduced you to—you really won’t need me. Trust me, guys like Ryback and Paul—they’re not going to let anything happen to you.

Ryback and who??

Uncle Hunter:
Oh, that’s right, you only know him by his ring name. Paul is The Big Show.

Ohh, okay.

Uncle Hunter:
But I gotta go make sure the pyro and technical stuff is ready for tomorrow, so I gotta go.

So, what am I supposed to do? Daddy told me to stick by your side.

Uncle Hunter:
You wanna go watch me do boring boss stuff for the next ump-teen hours?

Not really?

Uncle Hunter:
Then go explore. Just stay out of trouble. Got it?

Yes sir.

Uncle Hunter:
Good girl (kisses my cheek) see you at the hotel.


Uncle Hunter:
When you need to leave either call a limo, or have someone I introduced you to tonight drive you to the hotel. And if you get a ride from one of the Superstars, they know what hotel it is, so you won’t get lead in the wrong direction. When you get to the hotel, just use the name “Levesque”, they’ll lead you to the room. Okay?

Yes sir, Uncle Hunter.

Uncle Hunter:
That’s my girl, I really gotta go. I love you.

I love you too.

Uncle Hunter leaves, and for a second, I haven’t a clue what to do. I ponder what to do now that I am no longer on a schedule…until I decide to just walk around, get a little exercise. I walk around backstage, and walk through this curtain. When I see that I have walked onto the ramp to the ring, I see the entire area in its entirety. The spectacle is overwhelming. And to think in a little more than twenty-four hours, I will begin my first day as a Diva, and this arena will be filled with more then 21,000+ people. “this is unreal…” I say under my breath, a voice behind me replies, “It always is, when it’s your first time seeing it.” I jump; startled. I turn around and see Brock. He smirks.

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