Chapter Ten- Dinner With a Viper

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When I walk in, my suitcases are already on the bed, so I rifle through them until I find a suitable dress for tonight’s dinner with The Legend Killer. I find a blood red dress with red heels and decide to wear that. I change, curl my hair, and re-apply my make-up. I check the time; 7:30pm. I sit and wait until I hear a knock on the suite door. I open it to see Mr. Orton in a very nice suite holding pink and red roses and a large heart shaped box. I about melt.


(looking at me)
Wow, you’re so beautiful!

Thanks. And you look quite fetching tonight, Mr. Orton.

Why thank you, Miss. Michaels. (puts his arm out for me) shall we?

Let me just put the roses and box on my bed and get my purse.

Alrighty ma’am.

I go put my presents down and grab my purse. I take Randy’s arm, and we head out the door to the hotel. There is a limousine waiting for us, the driver opens the door for me, and I get in first…then Randy. Once we’re both in, the driver gets in and leaves for the restaurant.

So, where are we going?

To the most expensive French restaurant in Denver.


Nah, I’m just joshin’ ya, I hate French food.  We’re going to a burger joint. A pretty good one, all the guys go there when we are in Denver.

You read my mind. I was hoping it was burgers. Mom’s only burgers are veggie burgers….they taste like vomit.

I can imagine. So, what’s Shawn like at home? Is he like HBK on stage?

Not at all, HBK is much funnier. I think the Undertaker took my father’s sense of humour.

Randy starts laughing. His laugh gets me laughing, we laugh until we get to the restaurant. When we pull in, I notice not but two cars in the parking lot.

Uh, I think the place is closed…

No, I just rented out the place so that I wouldn’t get bugged for autographs and we could get to know each other better in privacy.

Awe, that’s so sweet!

(as the chauffer opens the door)
Shall we?

We both get out. Randy takes my arm and puts it through his. We are seated and order our drinks.

This place is nice. But you didn’t have to rent the entire place out.

Yes I did. Trust me. Yes I did.

I guess I’m not used to the ‘superstar treatment’….

Give it time, little Michaels, you’ll adjust to it in due time. You would think with you being the daughter of HBK and the God-daughter of the Cerebral Assassin, that you would have been used to it at a young age.

Well, they didn’t really take me a lot of public places growing up. Very rarely did we go out to eat, unless it was with the extended family or with Uncle Hunter, Aunt Stephanie, Murphy, Vaughn, and Aurora. They kept me out of the spotlight and away from the press—like they did for Cam and Chey. They wanted us to have a normal upbringing…… I guess that’s why Mom never took us to RAW shows but maybe once or twice a year-I always wanted to meet everyone, but they always said “we don’t have time”.

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