Chapter Fourty-Six

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Brock is clearly happy that his son and I are getting along because when it comes time to put Turk to bed, he asks Brock if I can put him to bed. He gets into his PJ's and brushes his teeth. I go grab a child's book from the bookshelf in Turk and Duke's bedroom.

Are you going to be my mommy?

Well, sweetie, you have a mommy.

But you're daddy's girlfriend—doesn't that make you my mommy?

Not exactly. Your daddy and I would have to be married for me to be your mommy. But I would be your step-mommy.

What's that mean?

Well, it means that [if your daddy and I were to get married] that I would kind of be like another mommy. But your mommy who takes care of you, and feeds you, and makes you all better when you're sick is and always will be your real mommy. But for now, just think of us as really good friends, okay? Everyone starts off as friends, and really good friends is just a step up.

Will I get to see you more?

I hope so, buddy. I like spending time with you. You are quite the gentleman.

Daddy says to always be a gentleman to a beautiful woman.

Do you think I am beautiful?

Yes, I do.

I kiss his cheek.

Thank you, Turk. Now, let's read this story, you gotta get some sleep.

I read to him and he falls right asleep. I slowly, carefully get off the bed; pull the covers over Turk so he stays warm, brush the hair out of his face, turn the nightlight on, and go to Brock's room. He sees me walk in and raises his eyebrow. I close the bedroom door.

He's asleep already (I nod) Damn, takes me like an hour to get him to go to bed. How'd you manage to get him to sleep so quickly?

I dunno. Guess the kid likes me.

Runs in the family, 'cause so do I.

He grabs me, pulls me onto the bed, and starts biting and sucking on my neck. I moan and he pins my arms down. He moves down to my chest.

You deserve some kind of reward for being so good with my son.

Then give it to me.

I'm just getting started.

We have sex....quietly. And go to bed. The next day we take Turk to see the new Spongebob movie, and take him out to pizza for dinner. Rena comes to get Turk. Turk gives me a hug and a kiss as he's leaving

Will I see you soon?

I believe you will. (to Brock) Right, Turk's daddy?

(ruffles Turk's sort blonde hair)
Oh, don't worry, son. You'll see her again.

Yay! I like her a lot. And she's pretty.

I smile.

It's great our son has taken quite a shine to you so quickly, Michelle.

He's a fantastic kid, you and Brock did a wonderful job in raising him. He's a handsome young gentleman.

Thank you. You know, if you ever need advice about how to survive in the WWE, you're welcome to call me—if you would like my number.

I would love that.

She jots down her number on a piece of paper and gives it to me. I give it to Brock to hold onto.

You know, Rena, it has been such a pleasure meeting you and your son; I hope we can be friends in the future.

I definitely see that happening. Next time you're here, we should do lunch.

I'd like that very much.

Mommy, I'm hungry!

Okay baby. (to me an Brock) I gotta get him home before the temper tantrum starts. (to me) text me your number so I can save it.

I will. It was great meeting you

You too. Bye Brock.

Bye Rena, I'll be in touch.

She picks Turk up and heads off. The rest of the day we spend cuddled up to one another watching bad horror movies. We get a good night's sleep and head to the next RAW show. We check into the hotel that afternoon when we land in Chicago, Illinois—go to the best steakhouse, and have lunch. We get back and are both surprisingly turned on, so we have sex for about three hours; and I fall asleep after right away. We get on the plane and go to the next stop. We're both extremely jetlagged so, we fall asleep. We both can't sleep around 5 am, so....we (of course) have sex.

The Morning After
==Brock's Point of View==

I wake up, take a shower and get dressed. I notice when I get out of the shower, Michelle is still asleep. I kiss her head, and write her a note on the paper the hotel provides in each room,

"I didn't want to wake you after the pounding you received last night...went to go talk to Paul about tonight's script, grab something to eat, and head to the local Gold's Gym to work out. I'll be back later; you rest....I might want round two when I get back ;-)

I love you,

I grab my workout bag, and quietly leave and head to Paul's suite. Paul lets me in when I knock on the door, and I sit on the couch. Paul follows suit.

Morning, Champ.

Morning, Paul.

What's up?

I just wanted to get a little clarification as to how tonight's RAW is going to go down...because I know somebody who wants to beat Cena up.

I'm assuming that you are referring to Michelle? (I nod) I figured so. Well, she can do that when he's out in the ring trying to explain to the Cenation why he got his ass beat so many times that he lost his title to you....if he even shows up. But you need to go out with her, I mean, if she hits him...he might hit her back. He did break her jaw not too long ago.

Yeah, good point.

She's a pistol, ain't she?

That is the understatement of the millennium.

You gotta realize, Brock...she's Shawn's daughter—she's feisty and rebellious against authority...just like her father. Nothing's gonna change, its skin deep with her. She might be back in love with you, but just remember who her father and aunt and uncle are...

I realize full well who they are.

Let her go out there and get Cena. It'll make her feel better. When she gets up, send her down here, I wanna talk to my client.

You got it, Paul.

On another note: How do you feel about Michelle making a heel turn on camera?

Heel turn how?

Become like your persona on the show, a cocky, arrogant, solipsistic....well, basically become a bitch.

I think that that is a great idea. Everyone loves her, I think that we should rip that from the WWE Universe given that she is my woman now. With me being as....abrasive as I am, I think almost like convincing her to choose between me and you or her friends....and then have her 'turn' on her friends, to side with me.

I think we should pitch that idea to Hunter and Stephanie.

You think they'd go for it?

I think they would.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now