Chapter Thirty-One- A Friendship That Is Meant to Last

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==Mickey's Point of View==

Nick sits next to me. "Randy..." I start to say, he looks at me with sadness in his eyes, "I don't blame you for what happened. But, as one of my best friends, you should have been on my side; instead of trying to be a big-shot like Brock." Randy nods, "I know, Mickey—and I am so SO soosorry. I didn't mean for you to get sent to the e.r., I was just trying to mess around. Once the EMT's got here, I felt horrible. I was humiliated." He responds; a tear falling from his eye. I stand up and lift his head up, "look at me, Randy." I order him. His eyes meet mine and I smile; kissing his cheek and putting my arms around his neck as I sit on his knee. "I forgive you." I whisper. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back, I hug him back "thank you, Mick." He replies. We have a silent moment where Randy and I just hug one another; clearly both happy to be back to normal. Randy clears his throat...


So, what about Brock?


What about him?


Are you going to forgive him too?


I'm actually thinking about dumping him.


Seriously? (I nod)wow.


I don't really feel like continuing on with the story line where Brock and I are together either. I'm not mad, so much as I'm just....done. If he loved me...or cared for me at all, he would not have done what he did. I've already changed my sleeping and travel arrangements.


To what?


I'm sharing a room with Nick from here on out, and flying solo on a separate flight from the WWE Superstars and Divas—so I have my space.


Want me to go get your stuff?


(I pause to think)

Yeah, and tell Paul that we need to discuss a change in the storyline with my Uncle Hunter...


I'll be back in a bit.


Thanks Randy.


What're friends for?

==Randy's Point of View==

I walk out the door and take the elevator to Brock's suite. The elevator opens and I head to Brock's door. I knock on it—Paul opens it. "Hello, Mr. Orton, what can I do for you?" he asks; letting me in. "I came to get Mickey's things for her." I reply; walking into the bedroom. Brock was sitting on the couch watching TV, he saw me, and looked back to the TV.


How is she doing, Mr. Orton?


Fine. Nick is taking real good care of her. She's much better.


That's good. Has she mentioned Brock at all?


She's really not in the mood to talk about him, to be perfectly honest with you, Mr. Heyman.




But, she does want to see you later on today. She needs to discuss some changes in the script with you.


Will she be returning to this room anytime soon?


I highly doubt it. She already called Hunter and changed her sleeping and travel arrangements.


And what do those changes consist of?


She's going to be sharing a room from now on with Nick, and flying by herself on a separate flight.

Brock angrily throws the remote against the wall and stands up; facing me.


This is HORSESHIT! I get that she's mad at me, but does she have to take it to the extreme??


Brock, I'm your friend and all...but she's not mad....she's just done. I mean, you did cause her to have a panic attack which evolved into a seizure. Had it not been for Nick calling 9-1-1, the EMT's told Nick that she would have died in a matter of minutes.


(shocked by what I just told him)

Seriously?? (I nod) So, so I really could have killed her?


Sounds like it.

Brock runs his hands down his head; still in shock.


You ignored her, hurt her, and put her in the hospital, Brock—you can't say she doesn't have a reason to be done with you.


What can I do to have her forgive me?


You can't do anything...because she doesn't even want to work with you anymore. She's asking Hunter to change the storyline.


Damn....she really doesn't want to see me that badly, huh? (I nod) Did Nick put this into her head?

I zip up Mickey's suitcases and turn for the door.


Nick saved her life. Why do you think she wants to be with him? That's her number one best friend...her big brother. I'm her best friend too, but Nick and Mickey are closer than anyone in this company is...they're closer than the Bella Twins are with one another. She feels safe with him. No, this decision was all Mickey, and if you love her, you'll leave her alone. Because she said she's done. (pause) I gotta get these down to Mickey, she has no clean clothes and she has to wear Nick's t-shirts and boxers. See ya.


Hey Randy, (I turn and look at him) tell her that I'm sorry...and tell her I love her.

I nod; leaving the room. 

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now