Chapter Eighteen- ♬ I See What Ya Got, It Measures In Ounces ♫

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Road Dogg:
San Antonio, we’re about to take you on a nice little ride. (audience cheers) straight down memory lane! Now then, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages….tonight, D Generation X proudly brings to you, its five-time, wwe tag team champions of the worllllld…..The Road Dogg; Jessie James, The Bad B; Billy Gunn---The New Age Outlaws!

Uncle Hunter:
(to the crowd)
Wow! Now, Are you ready? (the crowd quietly cheers) No! San Antonio, I said: “Are. You RRRRReaddy!” Then……for the thousands in attendance, for the millions watching around the world. (looks at me) and for my God-daughter, who decided to make her uncle and daddy proud, and wear her DX stuff tonight. Love you baby.

I love you too.

And well, apparently for me, ‘cause I’m the only one left with a full head of hair. And because this is the one thousandth episode of Monday Night RAW!!!!! And I’ll see each and every one of you when we reach two- thousand. (groans) LLLLLLLLEEEEEET’s GET READY TO SUUUUUUCK IIIIIIIIIT!

Billy and daddy go to do their part (which is kind of both of their parts because Billy did it before daddy did it)

This is uh, this is my part.


This is my part. He didn’t never give me that much, but this, I did pretty good, and this is my-

Well, and I understand that. But, this is—it’s actually my part. I’m the originator of all of this, and well, you know, (pointing to Uncle Hunter) He didn’t-he didn’t give me much either, I mean, you and I were sorta like what’s left over….(he and Billy laugh) But, uh, this is the part that I do, this is uh, this is my little sunshine.

But uh, I mean….y-you don’t

Uncle Hunter grabs Billy’s mic

Uncle Hunter:
Billy, Billy, I don’t, don’t let, Shawn’ll lose his smile, you know what I mean? No, and then, cause when that happens, he does weird things like poses for playgirl and stuff.

Oh my god! Uncle Hunter, REALLY?!

I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID, OKAY! (chuckles)  and I needed the money.

Oh my God. (I put my face in my hands)

The guys all start cracking up in the ring.

I can’t…I can’t work like this.

(under my breath)
I can’t live like this….

Uncle Hunter:
Alright, I got it. I will settle this: Do it together…

(to daddy)
You alright with that?

Well, I mean, yeah. I mean, didja wanna do it?


Would you like, you said on 3? So, it’s 1,2,3….do it. Or 1-2 (motions)

No, no, 1, 2, 3 and then.

Uncle Hunter:
(frustratedly trying to wrap things up)
1,2,3, then GO!

Okay, you ready?

Billy and daddy:

Just as they were about to do it, Damian Sandow. He goes off about himself and just talks a bunch of crap, (I wasn’t paying attention….I was checking Twitter) when Daddy waves me down to get me to come in the ring is when I start once again paying attention. They pull me into a huddle.

Still remember how to do Sweet Chin Music?

Of course.

Do it to bathrobe boy when we break the huddle and after Hunter says, “here’s what we decided to do”, okay?

I nod. We break the huddle, and I wait for my cue. After Uncle Hunter says what he was supposed to say, I kicked Damien right on his chin, as the crowd is cheering, Uncle Hunter sets him up for a pedigree. Road Dogg, X-Pac, and Billy Gunn pat me on the back for helping DX out. The whole of DX looks at me. Daddy says, “do the two words”

You want me to do it. (they all nod) okay then….(into the microphone) Well, I guess if you’re not down with that, WE GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA!

The crowd screams “Suck It”.  Uncle Hunter puts his arm on my head. I proudly stand with Degeneration X and enjoy every moment. We go to commercial, and DX (and myself) go to the back.

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