Chapter 87

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==Four weeks later==

You have a tag match with me tonight. What are you gonna do?

Destroy Dolph and Brie.

But they're you're friends.

The only friends I need are you and Roman.

What if they beg for mercy?

Ignore it. Hounds of Justice don't grant mercy to the weak...they crush them.

Dean looks at me proudly. Roman props his arm on his shoulder. Four weeks I have been through hell, being molded and trained by Roman and Dean. About 2 ½ weeks in they literally and completely broke me. I was no longer Mickey, I was mini-me—Dean and Roman's soldier....and I was damn proud of it.

We did it! We got through to her. You did it, man.

(pulls my head into him)
What do you need to have tonight, mini-me?

Ruthless......aggression, sir.

Let's get her to the arena. (kisses my forehead) I am so PROUD of you. You are one of us now.

Who are we, Mickey?

The Shield.

Roman wraps an arm around my waist and we pile in the car and head to the arena. Roman sits in the back with me; arm wrapped around me. He starts kissing my neck; holding my arms down. I lightly moan.

You get more tonight since you graduated bootcamp.

Yes sir.

Stop calling me that and get over here.

I scoot closer to him. He pulls me on his lap and kisses me hard. He pushes me down on the seat and gets on top of me. Dean glances back.

Save it until after RAW guys. I know you want her, Ro, but damn. Control yourself.

You realize she reveals she's actually IN The Shield to her Uncle tonight?


(to me)
You ready for that?

Of course I am.

So, Dean and Roman were set to open the show with Triple H. We all get ready, Dean laces up my boots, Roman hands me my dog tags and we walk to our spot in the arena. They tell me to stay put while they open up and wait for The Shield's theme song. It must have been eight, ten minutes until I heard the song boom. I make my way down the stands, over the barricade and into the ring. Dean and Roman stand on opposite sides of me. My Uncle Hunter looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

Uncle Hunter:
How can you join them, Michelle? They're not good. I'm your Uncle and I know what's best for you. Don't do this....please.

They rescued me from your psycho golden boy who tried to have me KILLED!

Uncle Hunter:
He didn't mean what he said, he had no part in the Wyatt attack, he was just trying to scare you because of the abortion you got. That really hurt him.

I don't give a damn if it hurt him or not, I'm glad it did. The last thing this world needs is another Seth Rollins. (the crowd cheers) I'm more inclined to let Roman or Dean knock me up and have a child with one of them!

(putting his hand on me and pulling me into him)
Oh, but we forgot to mention that, mini-me....(to Uncle Hunter) when we broke her, trained her, and turned her into the meanest, nastiest, most ruthless, animal in the Diva's division, and you're going to see her tag team with me tonight and become just that and she ain't your little girl anymore (he points to Roman and himself) she's OURS! She wanted to be a part of the best thing that's happened to this company. With two men that could mold her into what she needed to be molded into. She was weak before, vulnerable; she wanted a complete make-over. She wanted to be broken down and re-built. Which took a while because the little girl you helped raise was one stubborn, defiant little brat. But, boy, was it easy to make her follow our orders once we actually legitly broke her (Uncle Hunter's face starts twitching in anger) She's been yelling The Shield's name in pride for rescuing her.... After she started yelling that, and the breaking began, she was screaming something else... and she screamed it every night multiple times a night louder and louder until we started making things easier on her. Maybe you'd like a re-enactment? Mini-me, get on your back and Roman make her scream your name like you made her scream over and over again. "ROMAN! ROMAN! OH!"


No, you weren't shouting my name....not yet.(pats me on the back) but that can be arranged. Hell, we can give you a two for one special, (to Roman) right brotha?

A smile erupted on my face and Roman's. Roman took my waist and kissed my neck, Uncle Hunter explodes

Uncle Hunter:
ENOUGH! (he points to me) you get out of that ring and get up here right now young lady! You are going to stop seeing those losers behind you, go backstage, and beg Seth for forgiveness.

I stand my ground; both Roman and Dean's hands on my shoulders.

No. I don't take orders from you anymore. The only orders I take, are from the men standing next to me in this ring. You may be my God-father, ( I stand in front of Dean who puts his arms around my shoulders hugging me) But I call someone else "Daddy" now. (I look at Dean)

That's my girl, mini-me.

How's it feel, Triple H? To know that the woman you consider your baby girl, obeys and answers to only us now? I bet it feels pretty pathetic. I'm just glad we took this woman and turned her into one of us. Because that's what this company needs.

Uncle Hunter:
I'll give you one more chance, Michelle Rebecca. If you don't get out of that ring, it's open war on the three of you.

I'm a Hound of Justice....I'm sticking with my pack, where I belong.

Uncle Hunter:
You're going to regret that. (drops the mic and walks through the curtain.)

Our song plays and Roman hoists me up on his shoulders. I hear them repeatedly telling me how proud they are of me and keep hearing them say, "That's my girl!" and I just smile. At commercial, we head back to our locker room. Dean ruffles my hair.

(kisses the top of my head roughly)
I am so proud of you! See how good that felt? Without us, you would have given up and joined Triple H.

I know, but I'm not the same Mickey.

Dean:You're mini-me...and the world will see why tonight.Ext)Yo+

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