Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Brock leaves and Joey, Colby, Dean/John and Randy each come in and sees me—followed by Joey(Roman), Brie, and Randy. The doctors allow each person 15 minutes of visitation and after Randy (who was last to visit with me) they instruct everyone to go home...but Uncle Hunter insists on staying, so he ends up falling asleep in one of the chairs. He doesn't tell my parents or Stephanie about this, because we both know that my parents and my Aunt would go into panic-mode. I stay in the hospital for two days to make sure my jaw is wired and get myself accustomed to it, and two nights for observation; Uncle Hunter and Brock alternate between 12 hour shifts so I don't have to be alone. By the time I am discharged, most of the roster has already had to fly to the next location. The morning of my discharge, Brock picks me up, gives me fresh/clean clothes, and takes me to the small airport. We both take the same flight on Brock's plane and fly to the next location. The next three weeks are excruciatingly boring and went by so slowly because of the issue that I can't talk, move my jaw, or eat solid food....(but I learned to love Steak and Shake's milkshakes lol) But eventually, I get my jaw un-wired and gain function back in my jaw. (I still have to do exercises to work out the muscles in my jaw though). But even though I have to wear this stupid jaw brace which restricts my jaw from moving for 72 hours, I am keeping a positive mind.

==Monday Night RAW- Six days to SummerSlam==

It's nice to be back to normal... I can talk normally and smile and everything now. Already at the venue, I go to the Diva's Locker Room. Brie does my make-up because Nikki and I are no longer friends or talking (because she chose to support Cena, and defend his excuse that he snapped when I slapped him and he "didn't know what he was doing" when he hit me and dislocated my jaw) while Brie is doing my hair and make-up done, Brie and I talk.


You look good, got the jaw un-wired, you can smile...I'm so relieved that you are better now. I was really worried about you...I mean, you're one of my best friends and I love you like a sister.


Thanks Brie, I love you like a sister too. And it's good to be back to normal...even though the emotional scar is permanent.

Brie gets finished with doing my make-up and I go and get my outfit put on. Brie puts me in front of the vanity mirror to do my hair.


So, what are we thinking of doing with that beautiful head of hair of your tonight?


Why don't you surprise me? Go into 'Brie Mode' and do your thing. You always make me look beautiful.


Awe, I love you. How about mostly straight with some curls and waves all around?


Sounds great.

Brie starts doing my hair.


So, this whole situation know who....what are you going to do?



I don't know. I'd issue a restraining order, but if I do that then that'll give him more incentive to stalk me.


Yeah, you're probably right. What are you gonna do about my sister?


Well, seeing as she'd still support Cena, even though he attacked a friend of hers, and kissedme...when he is only supposed to be locking lips with her.....makes me sick. I mean, how can you support your own boyfriend cheating on you??!(Nikki walks in) I just wish someone had FUNCTIONING BRAIN CELLS to realize that John Cena is a piece of flaming shit.

Nikki grabs her gear and turns towards me angrily.


(raising her finger at her sister)

Whatever you're about to say, Nicole, I'd highly advise you to keep your fucking mouth shut!






That is a load of shit, know it, your sister knows it, I know it, and even John knows it. He's just hiding behind that story because he's too much of a pussy to admit he did something wrong!


God, he didn't mean it!


Yes, he did. 'He snapped'....bull shit! He was in COMPLETE CONTROL of his actions. And if you weren't so addicted to sucking his dick and bending over backwards to make him happy, you'd realize the truth.

Nikki slaps Brie. I get up and throw her down on the ground, get on top of her, and hold her arms down.


Don't you ever touch her again! And you steer clear of me from here on out, or you will be very sorry. Now, get out of my face.


Grab your stupid gear and get out of here, Nicole.

I get off of her and she gets up, grabs her stuff, and hustles out of the locker room. When all is said and done, I head back to Brock's room. 

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now