Chapter Fourty

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I walk in the door, see Brock on the couch, straddle him, and kiss Brock passionately.


I'm glad we're back together. And I'm especially glad that you can talk and your jaw isn't wired shut


Me too. Let's get to the curtain.

Brock, myself, and Paul wait by the curtain for our cue. The techies hit Brock's entrance music. We walk out, and get in the ring. Brock looks at me—and I go get Paul a microphone. I stand in front of Brock; where he wraps his arms around my waist.


Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman...and my client Brrrrock Lesnar is  six days away from destroying the man that....well, everyone seems to love; John Cena.

Some members of the crowd cheer, others boo.


The same, the same John Cena that attacked my other client; Mickey Michaels.

Brock puts his hand in mine as I bow my head embarrassedly. We all look to the titantron. It shows John grabbing me and forcibly kissing me, me slapping him, and him punching me. I can feel Brock tensing up as he watches it...then watches the slow-mo replay. The screen goes black. Brock looks so mad. (More so than he usually is)


As you can see, ladies and gentlemen of the WWE Universe; John Cena obviously doesn't mind stirring the pot...even though that means more trouble for him. As if things were not bad enough for John Cena already, now, he's gone and done something stupid; he put his hands on my client—Mickey Michaels—And that makes Brock Lesnar...very angry. Brock and myself have had to tend to Miss. Michaels for the last three weeks. And Miss. Michaels; who luckily, got her jaw un-wired earlier two days ago after being wired for three weeks is now the unfortunate victim of John Cena's negligence, is still in pain. (to me)What do you think needs to be done about this, Miss. Michaels?

He hands me the microphone, I look at Brock; he nods.


What do I think needs to be done? That's a good question, Paul. What do I think needs to be done about someone who viciously, heartlessly assaulted me? (long pause) Well, I know you're watching this, listen good:

I walk up to the camera and stare right in it. I clear my throat.


We all know that my Brock is going to annihilate you....and that was already due to happen initially....but now, now you have dug yourself into a deeper hole by putting your hands on me. You forced yourself upon me and then punched me in the mouth; dislocating my jaw on both sides. I was in excruciating painevery moment aside from when I was asleep. I could not do my job, I had to communicate through a stupid text-to-speech app—which mis-pronounces half the words I type, and my jaw was wired shut until two days ago. THREE WEEKS, my jaw was wired shut due to YOU.  I could not be more furious .But MY fury is NOTHING compared to the fury that my boyfriend Brock Lesnar has in his mind for you. When that bell rings at SummerSlam, Cena, you better kiss your career and your title goodbye—because Brock is going to take both from you. You will be carried out of that arena on a stretcher—much like I was when you punched me in the mouth. You are going to leave that arena with more broken bones than you can count. You have just sealed your fate; and that fate is THIS...Decimation on the most grandiose of scales. Just wait, John Cena—you are truly doomed. Congratulations on making Brock Lesnar's decision to rip your title from you, and beat you to within a centimeter of your pathetic excuse for what you call your life easier on him. You will be disappointing your fans, your family, yourself, your girlfriend Nikki.(long pause) but you're probably already used to disappointing her already. You always say, "the champ is here." well, take a good look at the man standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders—THIS is the one you will call the champion after Sunday. If you thought the beating Brock was gonna do to you was bad before, (I chuckle) you ain't got a clue as to how bad it really will be. At SummerSlam, Brock is taking your title and your will to live; but most importantly, he's taking you out. Enjoy your last few days of a healthy, non-broken body Joh-

John's entrance music hits and he appears on the ramp. Half the crowd starts their "Let's go Cena" chants, the other half follow that cheer with "Cena sucks!" I lean on the ropes as John puts the mic to his mouth; smirking.


Mickey, You've been running around in a circus with that gorilla and that horse's ass behind you...and I'm sick of it—you need to be with someone who will love you...and that ain't The Beast Incarnate. I mean, how can you still love him, after he orders you around so much?


Oh, okay. So, lemme get this straight, I should be with someone that cheats on his girlfriend, and punches women, breaking their jaw? Hmm, now that's grounds for a healthy, thriving relationship (to the crowd) how many of you think being with a cheater and a man who hits women is grounds for a perfect relationship? Anyone?

A lot of the crowd yells "no" or boo's. I look at John and smirk.


I dunno, Cena. This crowd seems to think domestic violence and assault and battery aren't good seeds to grow in the relationship garden. I agree with them.


Yeah, yeah, and another thing, the son of a bitch orders you around, how can you stay with a man like that?!


Because, being ordered around by Brock Lesnar turns. me. on.

Brock walks up to me and pulls me into a kiss.


That gets to you, doesn't it, Cena? Watching the woman you love, get taken by The Beast! Well, guess what? She chooses to be with him; because she loves him and not you. She's moved on from being a member of the Cenation...and joined our side. You need to realize that you cannot win against this man standing in this 14 by 20 foot ring. This man is faster than you, this man is stronger than you, and most importantly, this man right here is smarter than you. On Sunday, you will hear this when the bell rings signaling the end of the match: "Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner....and NEW Reigning, Defending, Undisputed, Undefeated, WWE heavyweight champion of the world; Brock Lesnar!" You need to realize when you don't have a prayer. Every time you get in the ring with this man, you get beat.


And you need to realize—I'm John Cena, I NEVER GIVE UP! I will beat Brock Lesnar, I will keep my title, and that woman in that ring in Lesnar's arms will come crawling back to me. 

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin