Chapter 85

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We got you something


Dean grabs a shopping bag. He shoves it in my hand.

Try it on. Go on.

I go and try it all on. I come out in combat boots, black cargo pants, and a custom made, purple and silver (my favorite colors) shield vest. Dean and Roman see this and grin.

Perfect. Now we have a newer, better, shield. Wear that out in the ring when we confront the Wyatt's.

My stomach dropped. THE WYATT'S?! The three psychopaths that kidnapped, raped, brutalized and victimized me??

You are going out with us, right?

Y-yes sir.

Roman sees the concern and fear on my face. He runs his hands through my hair.

Mickey, believe in us. Believe in The Shield. They won't touch you. I won't let him, Dean-o sure won't. We will have you in between us with our hands on you. You believe me, don't you?

Of course.

Do you believe in The Shield?

Yes sir, I do.

Good. (to Dean) can Mick and I have a moment alone?

Just keep it in your pants, brother?

Dean leaves and we sit on the couch. I lean over and kiss Roman on the cheek. He smiles and blushes a bit.

What was that for, kiddo?

Saving me.

The four days you were gone were agonizing for me. I was so worried.

I'm sorry about what I said in the video

You don't need to be.

I kept praying I'd see you and Dean again. That's all I wanted. I wanted to hear Dean's sarcasm and be able to joke around with my best friend. I wanted to see your smile again and feel safe when you hug me. I wanted to be able to stand with my boys. And Bray made me feel like I was going to die in there. He said he might just kill me for the Hell of it. He said weak women don't deserve life. He beat me and raped me and- and-

Roman delicately put his hand over my mouth. He lifted my chin up and looked me in the eyes.

No one will treat you like that. No one will touch you like that. You are ours now, and we will protect you if it is the very last choice we make. No one touches my woman.

I smiled.

"My woman"?

Roman kisses me. It was a kiss of passion and a kiss of promise.

My woman.

Dean opens the door. He pulls me into him.

It's almost time. One thing, mini-me: don't show fear. least, try not to. Okay?

Yes sir.

Dean ruffles my hair. We slowly walk to The Shield's normal spot. The song hits. Dean pulls me behind him so I'm walking in between him and Roman and we start walking through the stands. The crowd sees me in my Shield gear and I get cheered. Dean and Roman jump the barricade first, then, Dean lifts me up. The two of them grab mics and get in the ring. Dean moves me where he wants me (right between him and Roman) Roman grasps a finger or two on the loops of my vest. They close in tight; keeping me tightly between them.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now