Chapter 61

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The limo pulls up to the front of the house and Brock opens my door. I get out and he pulls me into a hug. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him. He picks me up whilst hugging me and tells me how much he missed me and how much he loves me. He thanks the limo driver for taking me home and throws me over his shoulder. I giggle as he goes in through the front door, closes and locks the door, and carries me to his bedroom. He tosses me on the bed, straddles me, making it impossible for me to get up or move my arms (which are being held down by his legs) He cups my face and starts kissing me.

Brock, it's only been a few hours.

Shut up.

He keeps kissing me; sticking his tongue in my mouth. Eventually (after trying and failing to get free) I give up and go with it. It eventually leads to us having (quite possibly) the best sex we have EVER HAD. (If I had known me leaving Brock for a few hours to be with my on-screen man would make him miss me this much, then I would do it more often). Afterwards, as I am laying in Brock's arms—him running his hands delicately up and down my spine, I kiss his chest.

I love you, Brock.

He kisses my forehead.

I love you too. Don't leave me again, okay? I worry about you.

I was with Colby, you've no reason to worry.

Did y'all kiss again?

We have to, Brock....he's my on-screen boyfriend.

It just irritates me that your lips have to be shared with another man.

But that's just for show. Brock, it's you I love. Not Colby, not Seth Rollins, you...and only you. Okay?

Okay, baby.

Brock turns on the WWE Network on TV and we watch WWE vs. WCW for about an hour until I fall asleep in his arms with my head on his chest.

>>Let's fast forward to the next Monday Night RAW<<

==Seth's Point of View==

Mickey and I arrive at RAW. Joey and Jamie help my lovely lady out of the limo. I grab her hand and we enter the arena. Hunter and Stephanie greet us and compliment Mickey on her attire. I wrap an arm around her waist. We make our way to the curtain; as my theme song hits. I take Mickey's hand and we walk to the ring—ignoring the boos that emanate from the crowd. Mickey enters the ring; exposing her panties slightly. I smirk and clamber in the ring; grabbing microphones. I hand one to Mickey and one to Hunter. Mickey stands in front of me; I pull her into me.

Well, The Authority has an...interesting little factoid for Brock.

(evilly laughing) Yes, yes we do.

Brock Lesnar will be in action tonight against myself, the Big Show and Kane. In a 3-on-1 handicap match.

Just to show Mr. Lesnar that there are stipulations for him injuring a member of our family, (looks up) we will be fighting him inside a steel cage.

And when Brock Lesnar loses, he will get on his knees and beg Mickey for forgiveness.

Mickey and I start laughing as I put my arm around her shoulder and kiss her cheek. And then, lights dim and Brock Lesnar's music hits. Hunter orders Big Show and Kane to stand next to Mickey, Jamie and Joey to stand in front of her, and I stand behind her; my arms locked around her waist and my chin resting on the crease of her neck and shoulder.

Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is-

Mickey, me, Hunter:
Shut up, Paul!

Such hostility. What's the matter Mickey, mad because Brock had a little fun at your expense last week?


Is that any way to talk to your manager?

Screw you, you're fired! (I point at Brock) and so is he.

Why don't the three of us discuss this like adults? We'll go in the back and have a civil, mature discussion about this.

No, I'm not going anywhere with you or a matter of a fact....

She goes and whispers something in Hunter's ear. He nods and she resumes her place; blocked in by J&J, Big Show and Kane and me. Hunter takes her microphone and walks up to the ropes.

Now, this match has been will be Seth Rollins, Big Show, Kane, and myself, in a four-on-one match.

How about we make this a little more interesting? By adding a stipulation to the match.

Go on.

I say, two on one. Any of you two up there versus me. If you win, I'll quit the WWE....but if I win, I get to marry Mickey. Make it a no D.Q. Till Death Do Us Part match inside that cage.

All of us in the ring huddle together for a discussion

Mickey, what do you think?

I don't like it. He's plotting something. He wouldn't face two people at once and make it no D.Q. if he wasn't plotting something.

Big Show:
She makes a valid point. Something just doesn't feel right.

I say, we do it. I mean, Hunter, you and me can beat him. We got the numbers, the strength, and the cage. The advantage is on our side here.

(looking at Mickey)
he's right, Mick.

But, Uncle Hunter....

Don't worry, we will win. (he kisses her forehead) Promise.

I step up to the front ring.

You're on. You versus Hunter and Me.

Excellent. (to Mickey) see you at ringside, baby.(smooches)

Brock walks backstage—with Paul tailing him. We go to commercial and go back to our prospective dressing rooms. Mickey looks nervous the entire time that we are backstage. I sit next to her and start kissing her neck. She pulls away.

Baby, c'mon, what's wrong?

What's wrong is that nobody in this group listens to me! I told the two of you this whole Till Death Do Us Part match was a bad idea. But no one wants to listen to me.

You worry too much, baby. I told you that Hunter and I have got this. Stop worrying. Don't you have any faith in us?

I do, it's just...(sigh) I have a bad feeling.

What's the worst that could happen?

She gives me a look

"What's the worst that could happen" (I nod my head) Okay, you asked: You just wait, he's gonna cheat or do something that's going to cost you the match—and who has to suffer? ME! I wish for once you and Uncle Hunter would take my word for what it's worth. I know that evil bastard, and trust me, he wins—he will make it his personal mission in life to see to it that I am never with you ever again. He will purposely make sure we never be together.

Baby, look at me. (I look in his eyes) We have got this. Okay? Don't worry, we can beat him.

A stagehand gives us a five minute warning. We walk to the curtain, meet up with Hunter and enter the stage. Lilian announces the match. I kiss Mickey and she hugs me. Hunter hugs her and we enter the ring. Big Show and Mickey stand by the entrance of the steel cage door as Brock's entrance music hits. Big Show ushers Mickey to the commentators table and has her sit down on an announcer's chair.


Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now