Chapter 89

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I jump the barricade and return to our room. "That was so stupid, I shouldn't have done that." I thought. I tapped my toes not looking forward to Dean and Roman returning....but they did, and Dean. Was. PISSED. He forced me to my feet and pushed me against the door holding me by my throat.

What the hell were you thinking?! HUH?! You almost got yourself killed!

(voice breaking)
I'm sorry, Dean. I just couldn't stand to see you or Roman hurt. I love you both.

What did I tell you! You don't go against my word! You figured, "time to commit suicide?" and ran to the rescue? Rescue is our job, not yours. You have not earned that right yet.

We told you to stay in here so what happened out there wouldn't happen. It's our job to keep you safe.

I know, I'm sorry.

Oh, you ain't sorry now, but you will be. I have to think of a punishment so severe that you will never EVER, pull a stunt like that again.

Dean, I'm as pissed as you are don't get me wrong, but in her defense, she was trying to protect us. That's what The Shield is about—protecting each other.

You know what, here's what we're going to do for starters: for the next two weeks, you are banned from RAW. I am canceling all your matches. You will sit in the hotel room and think about that stunt you just pulled tonight.


Secondly, let me make this as clear as possible: I once threatened you with a match of me versus you if you ever defied me....if you EVER do what you did again, I will drag you out to that ring and make you fight me....whether you want to or Roman agrees with it or not. Actually, maybe I'll do that right now.

He grabs my wrist and starts to pull me to the door. I start whimpering. Roman pulls Dean off me and pulls me into him; comforting me.

You don't want to fight her, bro. Look, let's give her the benefit of the doubt. It won't happen again. She cares for us, and wanted us safe (to me) right?


Fine. But if this happens again, she pays. (he grabs my face) I love you so much, but you make me so fucking angry, I hope you know that.

I'm sorry.

We decide to go to catering and get food. When we come back there is a pitcher of pink juice in our locker room.

The hell?

Catering must have left it for us. I'm not thirsty though

I'm not either.

I am.

I grab a solo cup, fill it up, and drink a glass. "It's good." I think. I sit back on the couch next to Dean. He pulls me into him.

Where do you wanna go for dinner, mini-me?

(I shrug my shoulders)
I don't know, you two pick.

(sees Dean and I on the couch)
Hey now, what is this? (sticks his tongue out at me) you making a move on my woman, Ambrose?

Dean wraps his arms and legs around me

Well, she was my best friend first.

We head out to the ring for The Shield's segment. While Roman was talking I began to feel nauseous. I just leaned on the rope and tried to ignore it. "Probably cramps" I think. All of a sudden things get fuzzy and garbled.

And Seth will pay. Because our girl came out here and risked her life to make sure we were safe.

(I get a mic)
Dean, I don't feel good.

We'll get you some Advil when we get backstage. Don't interrupt us.

That's not.....Dean, (gasping)

Audrey, I said "don't interrupt us."

But....(I can hardly breathe) I can't.

==Roman's point of view==

BAM! We heard something hit the canvas. I turned around and saw that it wasn't something, but someone. And not just anyone, Mickey! I instantly rush to her. Dean looks in shock. I lightly shake Mickey; trying to wake her.

Mickey? Mick? C'mon, babygirl, wake up.

Nothing, she's out cold. Her breath shallow. This is not supposed to happen. Something is horribly wrong.

WE NEED A DOCTOR! (to Dean) call 'cut'.

Dean puts his wrists in an X (which means something is wrong for real) the cameras flip off and Dean drops to his knees. A doctor comes running out. They examine her and decide she needs to be rushed to the E.R. They get her on a stretcher and rush her to the ambulance. Dean tells me to go with her. They load her in the ambulance and rush her off to the hospital. Once we get there they take her back to the E.R. and I am forced to stay in the waiting room. "How the hell can this happen??" I think as Dean rushes in.

Anything yet?


Where is she?!

They took her.

How did this happen?

I don't know.

We sit and wait for what seems like days. A doctor comes out and sees us. We rise and greet him.

How is she?

Boys, I don't quite know how to tell you this, she was overdosed with a highly toxic date-rape drug that kills one in three that overdose on it. And then to make matters worse, we found a lethal amount of rat poison in her bloodstream. I'm sorry to say this, but she's in a coma....and I don't know that she'll come out of it.

Dean broke right then and there. He started bawling and falls to his knees. I pick him up off the ground. I hold in my tears as best I can.

Can we see her?

For as long as you like.

(putting Dean's arm around my shoulder)
Dean, c'mon brother. Let's go see our girl.

I pull Dean into the e.r. the doctor leads us to her room and lightly pats me on the back.

I will pray for your friend.

She's my sister.

Regardless, I will pray for her. Take your time.

Thank you, Doctor.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now