Chapter Seventeen- ♫Degenerate Into Something Fool♫

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==Back in The Shield’s locker room==

I better get to the curtain. See you guys later.

See ya.

(shouting as I walk out the door)

(as the door closes)

I walk to the curtain and wait…hardly able to stand still due to the massive amount of eager-ness inside me. I watch the screen that’s above the curtain where I am waiting.

Uncle Hunter:
Yah, something, you’re right, Shawn, something’s missing, and I can’t put my finger on what it is. I mean, you got all the gratuitous merch on, wrist bands, t-shirts, glow sticks, anything else we can sell. I mean, what else could it be?

Well, obviously  I mean, I have my underwear on, do you have your underwear on? Is what it is?

Uncle Hunter squats down.

Uncle Hunter:
Check. Okay, we’re on. You know what? Hold on a second, hold on….

The techies signal me to go, they cue my song (“Hell Yeah” by Rev Theory) and the crowd starts cheering. I walk out of the curtain and down the ramp; grinning like crazy, I walk up the steel steps to the ring, Uncle Hunter sits on the middle rope, and I climb in. Once I am in he grabs me and hugs me (because after my second RAW show, he returned to headquarters to help run WWE…so we haven’t seen one another in five months’ time…like I said earlier, I was well and truly on my own after the second RAW) He kisses the top of my head, and then, let’s go of me. He looks at me in my custom made DX merch.

Uncle Hunter:
(to Daddy)
Did you get this made for her? (daddy proudly nods) well, at least I know my god-daughter likes public advertising as much as we do. Nice getup, baby.

Thanks. (Uncle Hunter puts the mic up to my mouth) Hi daddy.

Hi baby. C’mhere.

I walk over to him and he leans down and gives me the biggest hug I have ever gotten from my daddy. I kiss his cheek and the crowd cheers, I grab a mic from one of the stage hands,

I didn’t mean to interrupt y’all, but I haven’t seen either of you two in like eight months, and this is my hometown so I HAD to come out.

Uncle Hunter:
It’s alright, baby. Why don’t you stay, and be a part of this? (to the crowd) How many of you, would like to see Shawn’s flesh and blood be a part of Degeneration X?

The crowd roars with cheers and applause.

Uncle Hunter:
Guess that’s settled. ANYWAYS, as we were saying: Something definitely IS missing….Did there used to be….more of us?

The crowd screams even louder.

Uncle Hunter:
(to the crowd)
I can’t hear you, I said “did there used to be more of us?”

The crowd cheers again. Dad and Uncle Hunter point to the stage like only DX’ers do. Suddenly, a jeep comes driving out into the stage area with X-Pac, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn (dad’s old DX partners whom I’ve never met before) I just kind of hang back on the corner of the ring while they get in the ring and greet my daddy and Uncle Hunter. They do their X pyro thing and amp up the crowd…and I just stand there—smiling (because I know that being in DX was the pinnacle of my daddy’s and Uncle Hunter’s wrestling career). Once the music dies down, Daddy looks at me, and then to Uncle Hunter and nods to him. Billy Gunn sees me…

This is your little girl, right Shawn? The newest addition to the RAW roster?

Yes, yes that’s my baby.

(to me)
Come on over here, darlin’.

I was a little nervous, so Uncle Hunter kinda pulled me towards X-Pac, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. Billy extended his hand.

What’s your name, sweetheart?

Mickey, sir.

Well, Mickey, you have an amazing father, and one hell of a god-father. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Billy.

It is a pleasure to meet you as well, sir.

You don’t need to call me ‘sir’, honey. Okay? Just call me ‘Billy’.

Yes, sir, Mr. Billy, sir.

Billy and the rest of them chuckle.

Well, Shawn, you certainly instilled manners in her, she is very respectful.

(proudly looking at me)
Yes, she is.

Uncle Hunter:
(puts his arm around me)
Hey baby, we gotta wrap things up here, so they can go to commercial, can you go sit by King so we can finish?

I nod; he kisses the top of my head, and I hop out of the ring and walk over to the commentators table. The referee puts a steel chair by King and opens it for me. I sit next to King, watching the rest of the segment.

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