Chapter 91

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We spend the night with her until it is time to pack and leave for the next town. It kills me to leave her, I don't want to do it....but duty calls. I kiss her.

(voice breaking)
I'll be back, baby. Don't you dare give up. Don't stop fighting. Please. You fight this with everything you the tough woman I know you are (pause) I love you, Michelle.

Before I start crying I step back. Dean hugs her and kisses her forehead.

Fight girl. Don't let Rollins win. I'll be back in a few days. I love you so much, mini-me.

Dean and I swallow hard, look once more at our girl and leave. The next few weeks are torture, and Seth Rollins took time off (so he wouldn't have to see us....because when we do see him we're gonna murder him....twice) we go back three times a week (despite airfare) and see Mickey. Even after a month and a half, she's still in a coma. But Dean and I refuse to give up. Two months later and we can't see her as much because we're overseas in Europe. But we call the hospital for updates twice a day every day. During the last Monday Night RAW in the States we go out and update everyone on Mickey's condition; a sombering moment for us. Dean's hardly spoken in weeks—He's hell-bent on getting revenge, and I am a nervous wreck because the doctor told us that her condition hadn't improved, and.... and my girlfriend might not make it. We walk out to the stage, crowd cheering, and get in the ring. Dean (as usual) won't talk...or look up...he just is shaking in rage.

We figured we'd come out here and update everyone on Mickey's condition. Those of you that don't know, almost four months ago, someone poisoned her, causing her to slip into a coma.....this is not a joke, this is real. She's laying in a hospital in Delaware on life support....and it kills us to see her like this. There's no improvement on her condition, the doctor---(I have to pause before I continue) the doctor said she might not- (I shake my head) I can't do this.

Dean grabs the microphone from me.

The doctor told us, she might not make it.... whoever did this to her; and we know who you are....put so much of this date-rape drug and poison they left in the lemonade in our dressing room in it, that she only has a forty percent chance of surviving. (growling) this drug in her kills one in three that are poisoned with it. We could lose her, because of (body beginning to shake) Seth Rollins.

I take the microphone back

We know you did it, Seth. If you think turning your back on us was bad, you've just crossed a whole new line. You tried to kill my just signed your own death certificate. But you won't win this. She's going to fight, she's going to beat this....because she's OUR girl. She's tough as nails, and she will be standing in between us again soon.

Dean grabs my microphone again

I'd suggest, you quit this company. Because when we see you again.....when I see you, there will be no more Seth Rollins. I'll put you in a coma!

Believe that!

We drop the mic and leave....and I mean leave the arena, we don't even want to be here. et(Yn(

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now