Chapter 65

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Paul puts his hand on my back and we get in Paul's limo and head away. I run through the script with Paul as we are heading to the airport. Once we get there, Paul gets out and then offers his hand to help me out. Our plane is already fueled up and ready to go. They lower the stairs and we board. I sit in my usual seat; with Paul right behind. We stay seated until we are in the air and the pilot flying our plane has given us permission to move around. We both sit at the table toward the back of the plane and discuss how the interview needs to go. Paul points out some key points that are essential to make this storyline as believable as possible. It takes three hours and twenty-six minutes, but we land in the nearest municipal airport. As we depart from the plane, Paul tells the pilot what time we are going to take off from. We get in a limo that takes us straight to headquarters. When we get to headquarters, someone opens the door and puts his hand out to help me out....but it's not our limo driver; it's Shane McMahon. (Shane as you know is Stephanie's brother....and growing up calling Stephanie McMahon my Aunt, I was close to Shane. He was like... my cousin, in fact, the entire McMahon family is very close to my family) Shane smiles once he sees me.

Surprise! Miss me?

Oh my god! YES! (I hug him) What are you doing here? You retired from WWE years ago.

I did, but, I heard my cuz was coming...and I had to come say "hey". I've been watching you on RAW, you're selling the hell out of your storyline. Probably the best acting I've seen since Glen 'electrocuted' my balls.

Thanks Shane-O. (I hug him again) It's so good to see you. It's been so long.

A year, (he sees Paul) hey, Paul.

Afternoon, Shane.

(to me)
So, he's really your manager?

Yes. Is there something wrong with that?

No, not at all. He's one of the best managers/promoters in sports entertainment. You lucked out. But we better get you upstairs; they need to get to filming the interview and you gotta get into your cast.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that my arm is broken.

Shane leads us upstairs and I get in the makeup chair. They do my makeup and give me a few bruises as well as a black eye. They bring in a cast that athletes use when they have a broken arm and fit it perfectly on my arm. I look at how I look with my makeup and cast on---perfect. They take me to where they will be giving out the interview and Colby is already there. I hug him tightly once I see him; he hugs me back and then looks at me for a few seconds.

What? What's wrong?

God, they are really frickin good at making bruises and black eyes.

That they are. How's your week?

Good, yours?

Good, Brock took me to the Georgia Aquarium.

Hey, that's pretty cool. That's on your 'bucket list', right?


Well, we will talk more about this after the interview, because I am going to take you out for ice cream before RAW on Monday.

Okay, (smiles) sounds good.

Shooting in 90 seconds.

They have me sit on the couch next to Colby with his arm around me. They count us down and then we start filming. Michael Cole walks in and sits down opposite us; I keep my face away from the camera.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now