Chapter Fourty-Three

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Summerslam- 11 August, 2014

Staples Center Arena

Los Angeles, California.

Brock and I get to the arena. It's the big night-Brock versus Cena....I've been waiting for this for WEEKS. Everything goes as normal, the Pay Per View begins, and Brock and I watch the show; as Brock focuses and de-stresses for his match. This ain't just a match, after what Cena did to me...Brock has now officially decided that this match is personal. The Intercontinental Champion Miz and Dolph square off for the IC, and Dolph won the match following a Zig-Zag; winning the IC for the second time. AJ and Paige were up next for the Diva's title; Paige won. Rusev and Jack Swagger participated in a flag match in which the winner would have his country's flag raised and national anthem played following the match....and surprise surprise Rusev won that one. All the other matches were great, especially Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns. After that match, we made our way to the curtain. I kissed him for good luck. Paul met up with us just as we were cueing Brock's music. His music hit, and we walked out. Paul and I stand in his corner as Cena comes out. The announcer does his job and the bell is rung. Paul puts a hand on my shoulder as Cena flies at Brock, landing punches in his midsection. Brock takes him down; returning the punches that Cena oh so generously gave to Brock seconds ago. "C'mon baby! You can do it!" I yell; in an attempt to encourage Brock to keep going. Brock quickly looks at me and winks, returning back to doing damage. They grapple exchanging mid-section blows until Brock hoists Cena up on his shoulders and F5's him. He tries to pin him but Cena powers out. You would think Brock would be frustrated, but he actually smiles and laughs. Brock looks at Paul, who grins and laughs, and then to me. I nod and smirk. Brock gets up and menaces over Cena's body and yells, "Now is your chance, John!""I will KILL YOU!" he shouts, as Cena tries to muster the strength to get up. He kicks Cena, which I laugh at as Cena looks at me with Paul's arm around me; the both of us smirking. Cena starts to get up, and that's when the LET'S GO CENA/CENA SUCKS chants begin....and I just could not help myself... "CENA SUCKS!" I chant with the crowd, making Brock's grin get wider and wider. John gets to his knees, Brock shakes his head at him and german suplexes him. Paul screams to Cena, "You better stay down!" He lies there motionless while Brock stalks him like a Great White Shark. "You'll learn the hard way, huh?" Brock says to Cena as he stirs. John once again gets up about halfway and once again, Brock german suplexes him. Cena holds his head in pain; making me get more and more pleasure out of watching this match. Paul puts both hands on my shoulders, "He's doing this for you, you know?" he whispers in my ear, I nod...he lightly squeezes my shoulders and then pats them, keeping his hands on my shoulders while we both watch our Beast dominate this match. Cena grabs onto Brock's boot, Brock kicks him in the head. Cena tries to get up, gets on all fours, so Brock drives his knee into Cena's side. Cena coughs; trying to regain his breath. He tries to swing at Brock, but given Brock's UFC background, he sensed the punch coming and dodged it. Cena falls back to his hands and knees; coughing. He gets up halfway again, and you wanna know what happens next? German suplex.

==Brock's Point of View==

I am dominating Cena...good thing too after the shit he put my woman through. I stalk him as he makes a failing attempt to regain strength. John suddenly grabs me and pushes me up against the turnbuckle. He punches me but I protect my face; (as any trained former UFC Heavyweight Champion would) I knee him in the ribs, and down the little bastard goes. He twitches in pain; which pleases me. I look and see my manager and my girlfriend with equal smug looks on their faces. I get Cena in a submission hold...hoping that'd he'd tap...but he gets out of the hold. No problem, just re-group I think-


I've dominated most of this match. Drained Cena of his energy, suplexed the shit out of him, I'm feeling this, I'm gonna be the one with their hand raised. He gets me in an STF, but I manage my way out of it like the superior athlete I am. Paul and Mickey bang on the canvas and yell words of encouragement that get me out of the hold where I punch Cena repeatedly. I get him on my shoulders and F5 that wifebeating asshole. After 16 german suplexes and two of my deadly F5's, I pin Cena.....ONE, TWO, THREE! the referee counts, as the bell is rung. My music echoes throughout the arena, and Mickey and Paul are in the ring in a second; Mickey hugging me, taking the belts from the referee and handing it to me. The announcer says "the winner of this match, and NEWW WWE World Heavyweight Champion; Brock LESNAR!" With the belt in one hand and one in the other, I smugly grin as Paul is at my feet going on about what a success I am, and then proceeds to bow down before me. Mickey gets on her tip-toes and kisses me on the cheek. The referee raises my hand as I proudly show of my new prizes (my titles and my girl), and the three of us get out of the ring, as both titles are on individual shoulders. Mickey walks in behind me; laughing looking at Cena as he has to have medics help him out of the ring.

We go back to the back and are approached by the little blonde chick who does the interviews...I think her name is Renee.


Brock, first of all, congratulations on your victory over John Cena. How do you feel right now?


Paul, talk.


My client is...satisfied, Renee. He said he was going to destroy John Cena, and what has he done? This wasn't just about the title-oh, no. This was also about revenge. Revenge for Cena putting his hands on Brock Lesnar's girl. This victory wasn't just for Brock Lesnar himself; it was for Mickey here (Paul puts his arm around Mickey) This girl has been put through HELL and back when it comes to John Cena....but now, it's over. Cena, you've been beaten, you've lost your woman, and you have now been stripped of your coveted WWE World Heavyweight Championship. So, go ahead; invoke your re-match won't make any difference. Because the WWE World Heavyweight Champion is now BRRRROOCK LEAAASNER! And when you're in your hospital bed, when they're done wheeling the gurney off to the ambulance, you can sit and watch this from your phone. (to me) do you want to say anything, sweetheart?


He got what he deserved.

I walk away.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now